Friday, September 20

The season of fear in Brooklyn: five women attacked in the Subway

La estación del miedo en Brooklyn: suman cinco mujeres atacadas en el Subway

The NYPD detained a suspect, but then released him.

Photo: Andrés Correa Guatarasma / Courtesy

The Morgan Avenue station, on the L line of the Subway , has become a fear mainly for women, after five attacks.

The fifth woman said she was beaten by a stranger on Sunday at the facility located in East Williamsburg, Brooklyn, reported The New York Post .

One of the women located Benny Watts , of 50 years, as his attacker. He was arrested by the NYPD , but then released over the weekend.

“In the last incident, a woman of 26 years told the Police that she was on the stairs of the stop of the train… when a man pushed her against a wall and hit her several times on the left side of the face ”, published the Post.

The events occurred around 10: 00 pm, but the other attacks have been at different times, even in the afternoon.

The report indicates that other Four incidents occurred between 17 November and 28 December.

victims are women between 24 and 32 years , who are surprised c hen driving down the stairs or ramps of the station.

Women have suffered wounds of different levels, with cuts or swellings on the forehead, nose, cheeks.