Friday, September 20

Donald Trump: the four years of his presidency summarized in 10 images

With the end of the presidency of Donald Trump and the coming to power of Joe Biden, reuni mos a selection of images illustrating some of the most remembered moments of the four years of the Republican in office.

1. Inauguration

Trump looked angry that the images showed less attendance than at Barack Obama’s inauguration in 2017. / Photo: REUTERS

Trump’s inauguration was the 20 of January of 2017.

A few days later, the new president accused the media of lying about the number of people who attended the event.

Trump seemed angry that the pictures showed that attendance had been less than of the first inauguration of Barack Obama in 2009 .

Then-White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer told the media that it had been “the largest audience that has ever been seen in an inauguration and period. ”

2. Demonstration in Charlottesville

Supremacistas blancos en un mitin en Charlottesville, Virginia, en agosto de 2017.
A woman died and 20 people were injured during a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Far-right supporters and white nationalists participated in a torchlight rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2018.

The next day a woman died and 20 People were injured when a car crashed into a crowd of counter-protesters in the city.

In response, President Trump condemned the violence from “both sides”, sparking a wave of criticism.

    • Why is Donald Trump ambiguous towards white supremacists despite the political risk he runs?

    Nail 62 hours later, he denounced the right-wing extremists saying that “the KKK , neo-Nazis and white supremacists hate everything we hold dear. ”

    Joe Biden stated that it was the president’s response to this tragedy that led him to make his own decision to stand as a candidate.

    3. G7 Summit in Canada

    Trump surrounded by other world leaders at the G8 summit in Canada in 2018
    The G7 summit in Canada It was a tense encounter.

    Trump’s attendance at the G7 summit in Canada in June 2018 did not get off to a good start. Before the event, the president had announced the imposition of import tariffs on steel and aluminum from the European Union, Mexico and Canada.

    • Who’s who in the photo summarizing the tense G7 summit

    Some images from the meeting showed friendlier relations between world leaders, but many considered that this photo reflected or the tensions underlying the meeting .

    Trump left the summit before other leaders and claimed that the US was “Like the piggy bank that everyone is stealing from.”

    4. Melania Trump’s jacket

    Nancy Pelosi aplaudiéndole a Trump durante su discurso del Estado de la Unión.
    The first lady wore a jacket that read “I really don’t care, do you?”

    During a trip to a detention center for migrant children in June 2018, the first lady, Melania Trump, appeared in a jacket in the It read: “I really don’t care, do you?”

    There was much speculation about the message he intended to send by wearing the jacket on that trip, which occurred when the president received harsh criticism for his policy of separating children from their parents at the southern US border

    • The controversial jacket that Melania Trump wore when visiting children separated from their parents at the border

    The first lady later said that it had been a message “for the people and for the left-wing media that criticize me. ”

    “ I want to show you that I don’t care. They can criticize whatever they want. But that won’t stop me from doing what I think is right, ”he said.

    5. The applause of Nancy Pelosi

    Nancy Pelosi aplaudiéndole a Trump durante su discurso del Estado de la Unión.
    The image of the “ applause from Pelosi ”quickly went viral and seemed to show the political rivalry between the Democrat and Trump.

    Trump discussed reaching deals on politics during his State of the Union address in February 2019, but the applause of Nancy Pelosi , which many interpreted as sarcastic, caught the attention of the whole world.

    • The sleeping Trump child, Pelosi’s applause and 4 other curious moments from Trump’s State of the Union address

    Trump broke protocol by not waiting for the usual introduction by the Speaker of the House of Representatives before beginning her speech.

    The image, called “applause from Pel osi ” , quickly went viral and seemed to show the political rivalry between the two.

    6. Donald Trump crossing the North Korean border

    Trump cruzando hacia el lado norte de la línea divisoria entre las dos Coreas.
    Trump was the first US president to cross the dividing line between North and South Korea.

    In June 2019, Trump walked to the north side of the military demarcation line that divides North Korea and from the south.

    • The historic meeting between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un in the demilitarized zone that separates the two Koreas

    In doing so, he became the first U.S. president to

    His decision to meet Kim Jong-un without preconditions shocked the world .

    Despite the apparent approximation in relations between the two countries, little progress was made in terms of Ethics in the negotiations on North Korea’s nuclear program.

    7. Kim Kardashian in the White House

    Kim Kardashian en la Casa Blanca durante un evento sobre la reforma del sistema de justicia criminal.
    In 2017, Kim Kardashian interceded with the Trump administration on behalf of Alice Johnson, an elderly woman serving a life sentence.

In June 2019, Kim Kardashian West spoke at an event of the White House on prison reform.

In 2018, the famous activist had interceded do with the Trump administration on behalf of Alice Johnson , an elderly woman serving a life sentence for a non-violent drug offense.

Trump subsequently pardoned Johnson.

    Who is Alice Marie Johnson, the female prisoner whose release Kim Kardashian was asking for and whom Donald Trump has just pardoned

8. Trump with the Bible in hand

Trump sostiene una Biblia en frente de la Iglesia Episcopal de San Juan, en Washington D.C.
Several religious leaders criticized Trump’s actions.

In the picture, Trump is holding a Bible in front of St. John’s Episcopal Church, across the street from the White House, in June of 2020.

Peaceful protesters protesting racism had been removed from nearby Lafayette Square with pepper spray so that the president and his entourage could walk to church.

His actions provoked the shock and anger of many religious leaders, who accused him of using religion for political purposes.

9. The Trump family in the first debate against Joe Biden

Eric Trump, Ivanka Trump, Melania Trump, Tiffany Trump y Donald Trump Jr. durante el debate presidencial celebrado en Cleveland, Ohio, en septiembre de 2020.
Donald Trump’s children did not wear a mask, despite the fact that the rules of the debate required it.

Donald Trump’s relatives, except Melania Trump, broke the rule of the first presidential debate, in September of 2020, of that all the spectators wear masks. Their decision earned them the same criticism that their father used to receive for adopting an arrogant attitude towards the virus.

A few days after the event, held in Cleveland, Ohio, the president himself gave positive for covid – 19.

The president passed three nights in a hospital receiving treatment before returning to the White House and declaring that he was feeling “really good” and urging people not to be afraid of the virus.

12. Trump supporters storm the Capitol in Washington DC

Simpatizantes de Donald Trump afuera del Capitolio, durante el asalto al mismo.
A crowd of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol as congressmen certified Joe Biden’s victory.

Crowds of Trump supporters flocked to the US Capitol in Washington DC on January 6 after participating in the “Stop the Steal” rally (“Stop the robbery”).

The assault occurred after a speech by 70 minutes of the president in the one that exhorted them to march towards Congress, where politicians were gathered to certify the victory of Democrat Joe Biden. The mob ransacked the Capitol building and tried to enter the chambers where the legislators were hiding.

Five people died, including one agent of police .

Days later, the lower house Congress approved an “impeachment” against Trump, which made him the first US president to face this process twice.

Now he will have to undergo impeachment in the Senate. But he rejects the accusations that he incited his followers to attack the Capitol.

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