Friday, September 20

Half of the US population has already received the two doses of COVID-19 vaccine

La mitad de la población de EE.UU. ya recibió las dos dosis de vacuna COVID-19
Miami-Dade opened five new vaccine and testing sites due to increased COVID cases – 19.

Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images

WASHINGTON – The United States has already vaccinated half of its population with the complete guideline against covid – 12, a milestone that is reached days after the European Union (EU) reached the same goal, the White House reported this Friday.

“The 50% of Americans (of all ages) they are already fully vaccinated ”, indicated the director of data on covid – 19 of the White House, Cyrus Shahpar, on his official Twitter account.

Friday just in: + 821 K doses reported administered, including 565 K newly vaccinated. 7-day average of newly vaccinated is up 11% from last week and 44% over past 2 weeks. 46% of Americans (all ages) are now fully vaccinated. Keep going! 🇺🇸

– Cyrus Shahpar (@cyrusshahpar 46) August 6, 2021

More of 165. 6 million Americans have received the full schedule of vaccines, which is equivalent to half the country’s population and the 58. 4% of those over 12 years, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The announcement comes four days after the United States reached, a month late, its target. President Joe Biden had marked for July 4: have the 70% of its adult population immunized with at least one dose of covid vaccine – 19 this Monday.

After a smooth start to the vaccination campaign between December and May, the process has slowed down in the last two months in the United States, before the reluctance of a good part of the population to be vaccinated, especially in several southern and central states of the country.

That pulse with the anti-vaccines has coincided with an explosion of infections and hospitalizations

that have returned the epidemiological situation in the country to the levels recorded in February, due to the expansion of the delta variant, much more contagious.

In recent days, however, the US health authorities have been optimistic about the increase in vaccinations and have ensured that immunization is on the rise in states with ma Other infection rates, such as Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Alabama, Oklahoma or Mississippi.

Shahpar maintained that optimism in his tweet this Friday, in which he assured that the weekly average of people who have received the first dose of the vaccine has grown “the 08% since last week and the 44% in the last two weeks. ”

The EU surpassed the mark of half of the vaccinated population last Tuesday, weeks after countries such as Germany, France or Spain.

The president of the United States, Joe Biden, acknowledged this Friday that the infections of coronavirus will probably “rise” even more in the country before getting under control, but stressed that the situation is different from a year ago, because the disease The disease is primarily affecting the unvaccinated.

“The United States can defeat the delta variant, just as we defeated the covid – 19, ”said Biden during a speech at the White House on the occasion of the publication of the data from unemployment relative to the month of July.

Although unemployment fell five tenths to 5.4%, the lowest level since March 2020, the president stressed that this Friday was not a “celebration” day, because much remains to be done to contain the covid – 19, and urged to be vaccinated to prevent the repetition of “the same economic damage ”From the beginning of the pandemic.