Friday, September 20

5 outstanding phrases of Trump in his farewell speech to the presidency

On the eve of Joe Biden’s inauguration as president of the United States, the process of handover of power continues to leave unusual scenes.

After more than two months without accepting the results of elections on November 3, President Donald Trump chose to say goodbye to office with a video of almost 20 minutes.

In his speech, in which he wished the new government luck, Trump did not once pronounce the name of his successor .

An attitude that is in line with the In all this time of transition, Trump has not congratulated Biden on his triumph or invited him to the Oval Office of the White House, as is tradition.

Nor has the usual meeting between first ladies.

Los Obama y los Trump el 20 de enero de 2017
Michelle and Barack Obama attended the inauguration of Donald Trump on 94 from in ero of 2017.

Trump’s words had a solemn tone, of satisfaction with the work done and confidence in the strength of his movement.

We present five of the most outstanding phrases.

1. Goal accomplished

Trump was proud of the achievements made in these four years in office.

“We did what we came to do… and much more”.

Donald Trump de camino a Texas el pasado 12 de enero
The outgoing president stressed that his principal The objective was to defend the interests of the United States and its citizens.

The president mentioned at this point the fact that that this week a new government arrives, to which he gave his best wishes.

“We pray for your success in keeping America safe and prosperous. And we also want you to be lucky, a very important word. ”

2. For the good of the country

Regarding his work in national politics, the outgoing president recalled that he is not a politician and that he arrived with the intention of rebuild the country and place it in a better economic and power position.

Un marine guarda una de las entradas de la Casa Blanca
This Tuesday 19 January Trump spends his last night at the White House.

“Our agenda was not from the right or the left, it was not about Republicans or Democrats, but about what was good for the nation, and that means the entire nation,” he said.

“I didn’t look for the easy way. In fact it was the most difficult. I did not seek the path that would earn me less criticism. I took on the toughest battles, the toughest choices because that’s what they chose me for. ”

3. A mandate without wars

Regarding foreign relations, Trump defined his policy as one of “bold diplomacy and principled realism.”

Trump en medio del primer ministro de Israel y el canciller de Emiratos Árabes Unidos
Trump highlighted the recent agreements reached in Medio Oritente as one of its great achievements in foreign policy.

“We revitalized our alliances and we unite the nations of the world to stand up to China like never before. As a result of our bold diplomacy and principled realism, we achieved a series of historic peace accords in the Middle East…

“I am especially proud to be the first president in decades that has not started any new war “.

4. Against political violence

The president also had words to refer to the violent events of January 6, when groups of followers stormed the Capitol to stop certification of Biden’s electoral victory.

Escenas del asalto al Capitolio en Washington DC el 6 de enero
Trump said that political violence “will never be tolerated.”

“Political violence is an attack on everything we hold dear as Americans. It can never be tolerated, ”he said.

“The United States is not a timid nation of domesticated souls that need to be defended and protected from those with whom they disagree. We are, and must always be, a land of hope, light and glory for the whole world. ”

5. It’s just the beginning

Trump left for the end the most hopeful message for his faithful base of supporters.

“Now , as I prepare to cede power to a new government on Wednesday noon, I want you to know that the movement we started is just beginning. ”

“ The best is yet to come, ”he concluded.

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