Friday, September 20

What's next for approval of the $ 2,000 stimulus check?

¿Qué sigue para la aprobación del cheque de estímulo de $2,000?

Republican leader Mitch McConnell.

Photo: Michael Reynolds / EFE

The $ 2 stimulus check proposal, 000 is not dead and The election in Georgia, which would define Senate control, is expected to shed new light on the next steps.

Let’s take it in parts. Given the refusal of the Republican leader Mitch McConnell (Kentuky) to allow the vote to increase from $ 600 to $ 2, 000 dollars of direct aid to families in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, Democrats promised to reactivate the plan with the new Congress, which was sworn in this Sunday .

“President-elect Joe Biden has made it clear that the pandemic aid bill that Congress approved is simply an initial payment for the work that must continue ”, said Representative Hakeem Jeffries (NY). “We will continue to fight for a direct paycheck of $ 2, 000.”

On behalf of the Republicans, Senator Lindsey Graham (South Carolina) has said that the issue remains in the legislative arena.

“I would like an independent vote in the new Congress on the $ 2 check, ”, said on Fox News. “We have seven Republicans who have already said they would vote in favor. We need five more. I think if we had the vote, we would get it. ”

Now, the intentions of Biden and his allies for an increase to the stimulus check will depend on what happens. Also in Georgia this Tuesday, since if they win, the Republicans could block those plans.

However, in the event of a victory, the Republicans Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, could be pressured to enforce their word to support the measure, since in the campaign they accepted their support for the increase in aid.

Another Republican senator allied to the plan is Josh Hawley (Missouri), who has criticized to his colleagues and bench leader for not allowing the vote.

“I can’t understand why we can’t get a vote. It seems we can’t even have a debate about it ”, he expressed. With all due respect, this does not appear to be a Republican versus Democrat issue. This appears to be a Senate against the United States of America. ”