Friday, September 20

Border Patrol Agents Will Use Body Cameras To Prevent Abuse Of Immigrants

Agentes de la Patrulla Fronteriza usarán cámaras corporales para evitar abusos de inmigrantes
At least 6, 000 immigration officers would carry cameras.

Photo: John Moore / Getty Images



The Customs and Border Protection Office ( CBP ) announced this Wednesday that has begun to equip an initial group of its agents with body cameras in order to improve police action “and strengthen confidence and transparency ”.

The use advanced technology and equipment such as cameras added to uniforms will support the work “and provide greater transparency of interactions between agents CBP and the public, ”said the agency’s acting director Troy Miller in a statement.

In In recent years, the provision of body cameras as part of the equipment that police officers carry in their operations has resulted in the audiovisual record of arrests, raids and incidents of violence.

CBP expects to distribute approximately 6, 000 late cameras 2021 in units of the Border Patrol along the southwestern and northern borders of the United States, and then at the points of entry throughout the country.

The agency “conducted a feasibility study and an evaluation to determine the viability of portable cameras in operations in 2014 ”, said the statement.

In 2017 Congress ordered an additional evaluation of the technology for the incident log and CBP conducted a field assessment from May to November 2018.

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