Monday, October 28

Color therapy or chromotherapy: how to apply them according to your zodiac sign in your daily life

Terapia con colores o cromoterapia: cómo aplicarlos según tu signo zodiacal en tu vida diaria
Colors influence the mental and physical state of signs.

Photo: Julián Gentilezza / Unsplash

In a natal chart astrologers analyze the planetary aspects that define personality and a person’s life path. But the stars are not the only ones that can guide us towards a fuller life, colors also play a healing role when associated with the zodiac signs .

The chromotherapy is a pseudoscience that uses colors as a method of healing in the understanding that each one is associated with a frequency, this, in turn, has a physical effect , psychological and emotional in a person. The mixture of color therapy and astrology is known as color astrology .

Each planet and zodiac sign is related to a specific color . Color astrologers analyze a birth chart to determine what colors a person can work with to be fuller and mitigate difficulties in their life, explained spiritual advisor and subject matter expert Rose Theodora for Well and Good.

Depending on the planetary locations on the chart the colors will have different meanings , that is , the vibration of the tones is not the same for all people. For example, he said that gold can enhance confidence in one person, but in another it can stagnate it.

In the astrology of color there is no specific meaning for each color, but you can work with them if they are associated with the elements of the solar signs, which is the aspect that we consult most frequently in the horoscope.

Therapeutic colors for the zodiacal signs

Although to know with certainty which colors can help you heal spiritually it is necessary for an expert to do so, it is possible to have a little look if you locate the element of your zodiac sign:

Fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius): intense and fiery colors like gold, red and orange.

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn): earthy colors like brown, beige and cream.

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) : aquatic tones such as blue and gray.

Air signs ( Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) pastel and metallic tones.

How to apply the colors of your sign in daily life

The expert recommends being more aware of the colors we choose to wear and that we they evoke certain feelings. As a starting point, we can associate the recommended shades with our astrological element and analyze which color makes us feel more positive .

When we are clear about the color, we can start working with it by visualizing it during a meditation session or taking it with you in clothes, accessories and makeup, as well as in the decoration of spaces.

Tea may interest: Numerology: The color of luck that corresponds to you, according to your date of birth