Friday, September 20

Fabiola Campomanes shows the injuries she suffered on her face after undergoing cosmetic treatment

The actress Fabiola Campomanes shared through her social networks a video showing the lesions on her face after undergoing a treatment to eliminate the spots caused by the sun and which generated an obsession for eight years.

With a bathrobe, Campomanes narrated the bad experience that his obsession of wanting the perfection, but he also called on his followers to accept their physical defects.

Eight years ago I had spots on my face from abusing the sun and since then I have been obsessed with wanting them to disappear from my skin, I went to the best surgeons and dermatologists, many treatments helped me, but I kept going “, he pointed out.

This last treatment that I did, my skin no longer held up, I think my skin is already very treated and began to open, I trust that obviously will heal, they will heal, they will be fine “, c omente in the video in which she appears visibly depressed.

She stressed that the injuries were not what was really important, but the lesson that this left her.

The most important thing is the call for attention from my own body, to understand that it is not good to obsess over anything, it is real nonsense, you have to accept changes, because everything changes “He added.

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