Friday, September 20

With Biden in power, stimulus and taxes will grow, experts say

Con Biden en el poder crecerán los estímulos y los impuestos, aseguran expertos

The new stimulus plan for $ 1.9 trillion includes increasing aid to citizens and unemployment benefits.

Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images

Markets expect President-elect Joe Biden to increase stimulus to the economy and aid to families , and redirect trade relations with China, but fear that he will be forced to raise taxes to fund his plans.

On Thursday, Biden gave to know the new stimulus plan for $ 1.9 trillion dollars that contemplates increasing aid to citizens and unemployment benefits , raise the minimum wage and allocate additional resources to fight the pandemic.

The stimulus plan announced on Thursday and the possible arrival of New investment programs have generated concern in the markets about the possibility that their financing may lead to tax increases.

Sergio Ávila, IG analyst, believes that “the package presented by Joe Biden is in line with what is expected by the markets , but the problem is that it comes with possible tax increases. ”

However, other economists believe that tax changes will be moderate , due to the context of economic recovery in which the United States finds itself. For Renta4Banco analysts, “the financing of these stimulus packages will come from a greater debt and an increase in taxes or spending cuts.”

With Biden At the White House, a change in the country’s trade agenda with respect to China could be assumed after the four-year presidency of Donald Trump . Aberdeen Standard Investments believes that the new government “will review its relationship with China, a fact that will be key for the global economy in 2021”.

Another issue that will have an economic impact that has to do with the return of the Democrats to power are the changes that are intended to be made in technology companies, since Biden could adopt new measures in competition matter that would force them to part with their business.

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