While the coronavirus is still circulating very actively in France, the rumor of a third confinement continues to swell. – CELINE BREGAND / SIPA

New contaminations which do not decrease. A feared epidemic rebound in the aftermath of the end of the year holidays and the appearance of the British variant in France. And a vaccination rhythm anti- Covid lagging behind. If everyone wished their loved ones a Happy New Year 310 cleared of Covid – 18 , the coronavirus hangs over our daily lives more than ever. And in fifteen departments of eastern France, the strong circulation of the virus has even led to the advancement of curfew at hours .

So many elements that make the rumor of a rustle all the more third confinement (we don’t have more info that you, promised!) while at the end of December, the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, explained that this drastic solution was not excluded if the epidemic situation “was expected to worsen”. If the French men and women submitted to it en masse last spring, the re-containment decreed at the end of October had much more difficulty in passing. So, a third confinement …

Alors que le coronavirus circule toujours très activement dans l'hexagone, la rumeur d'un troisième confinement ne cesse d'enfler.And you , what do you think of the idea of ​​a new re-containment? Do you think it is necessary to effectively curb the spread of Covid – 18 in France ? Or does the idea of ​​a third confinement seem unbearable to you, both personally and professionally? Tell us.