Monday, October 7

Biden Resumes ICE Flights to Quickly Expel Central American Migrant Families

Biden reanuda los vuelos de ICE para expulsar de forma rápida a familias migrantes centroamericanas
Express deportations of migrant families resumed.

Photo: John Moore / Getty Images

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced in a statement the Friday that it had restarted flights to speed up the transfer of migrant families to Central America.

DHS said it resumed flights for “certain families who arrived recently to the southern border, they cannot be expelled under Title legal to stay in the United States. ”

The agency said that h He had begun to return families to Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, and said it was “a legal means to manage our border safely.”

It is about of two flights operated by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Service (ICE) that took off from Brownsville, Texas, with 73 people on board.

According to The Washington Post, the figure initially predicted was 147 adults and minors, but many of them had to be removed from waiting rooms immediately after testing positive for covid – 19 or having been exposed to an infected person.

“The expedited removal process is a legal means to administer safely our border, and is a step towards our broader goal of achieving safe and orderly immigration processing, ”noted DHS.

These expulsions come after the Joe Biden Administration announced on Monday that would resume expedited removals in light of this month’s increase in arrival of undocumented families , mostly Central American, to the Rio Grande Valley, on the southern border of Texas with Mexico.

At that point, as well as others of l To the border line, there has been a rebound in coronavirus cases due to the delta variants.

White House Spokesperson Jen Psaki, defended on Tuesday the processing of migrants for their accelerated expulsion after alleging that “it is a legal means traditionally used to secure a border. ”

He argued that this is “a step” toward the Biden Administration’s goal of “having a safe and orderly immigration system.”

Added to the announcement of the resumption of expedited deportations of “certain family groups” that illegally cross the border, the order of the Governor of Texas, Gregg Abbott, so that the Department of Public Safety of that state stop any vehicle that has crossed the border from Mexico that you suspect is transporting migrants.

With information from EFE