Thursday, October 10

Unusual: an athlete was expelled from the Olympics for trying to steal a bicycle from Venezuelan Edy Alviarez

Insólito: un atleta fue expulsado de los Juegos Olímpicos por intentar robar una bicicleta al venezolano Edy Alviarez
The curious fact was narrated through social networks days before both begin their participation in Japanese lands.

Photo: Laurence Griffiths / Getty Images

The Tokyo Olympics 2020 keep giving away great curiosities. There have been several anecdotes that have been generated in the Asian country. Since a condom that gave the bronze medal to an athlete , even the r obo of a bicycle to the Venezuelan Edy Alviarez . Finally the bicycle appeared and generated the expulsion of an athlete.

Days ago, the historic BMX freestyle athlete, Daniel Dhers , was in charge of recounting what happened with his compatriot, through social networks.

“We were like 40 minutes, we took our time, when we left the dining room the bicycle was not there, it disappeared (…) they do not steal it in (Catia) Caracas but today they stole the bicycle from my friend @edy_alv here in the Olympic Village (It will appear) “, said Dhers.

This caused Alviarez to train with a borrowed bike . Now, the outcome of this story had a happy ending for some and for others, not so much.

At dawn, workers from The Japanese organization took a surprise to the room of the Venezuelan cyclist. The bicycle was recovered thanks to the surveillance system and it was revealed that it was in the room of another athlete whose identity was not disclosed.

An athlete saw the bike, grabbed it and took it away . He alleges that he thought it was a public bicycle, which raises suspicions because is a very unique bicycle, it is rim 20 and a single color . They end up grabbing him for one of the elevator videos. It wasn’t that he grabbed her from transportation, left her outside and left. He grabbed the bike, went to his room and hid it there all day . I suppose he thought he could use it forever, “said the Venezuelan.

Finally, Daniel Dhers revealed that the athlete involved was expelled from the Olympic Village for what he did. Far from feeling happy for justice, the athlete regretted the fact that the person in charge had been excluded from his Olympic participation.

“Imagine everything he did to qualify, get here to the Olympic Games and the poor guy was disqualified. They take it out because there are certain rules here in the Villa, at the Olympic Games “, he concluded.

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