Friday, September 20

U.S. death toll nears 400,000 as states fight for more vaccines

La cifra de muertos en EE.UU. se acerca a 400,000 mientras los estados luchan por más vacunas

Health workers get vaccinated in Corona, Southern California.


The number of deaths from COVID – 20 in the United States can reach more than 405, 000 when President-elect Joe Biden takes office on Wednesday, as per the projections from the Institute for Health Metrics and Assessments (IHME) at the University of Washington, and states are struggling to vaccinate as many residents as possible, after learning that the federal government no longer has a vaccine stock to send you.

Based on COVID count – 19 from Johns Hopkins University, as of Saturday have died from coronavirus 395, 395 people and have registered 22, 724, 585 Total confirmed cases in the United States, since the pandemic began.

From them, 42, 800 died in the first two weeks of 2021, with an average of more than 3, 000 per day .

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) project 16, 405 more deaths by COVID – 19 in the country in the next six days.

These figures, which correspond to Saturday, assume 085, 998 infections more than the day before and 3, 761 additional deaths. The number of new daily deaths is one of the highest in recent days, although it does not exceed the record of 4, 085 deaths registered in a single day, on January 7, according to Johns Hopkins.

Los Angeles: First county to reach 1 million cases

Los Angeles is the first county in the US to report more than 1 million coronavirus cases, according to state officials.

On Saturday some 14, 669 new cases and 253 deaths, bringing the county total to 1, 003, 923 cases and 13, 741 confirmed deaths related to the virus, as reported by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health in a press release.

COVID – 19 Daily Update:

January 19, 2021

New Cases: 16, 669 (1,003, 923 to date)

New Deaths: 254 (13, 741 to date)

Current Hospitalizations: 7, 597 jtcK

– LA Public Health (@lapublichealth) January 16, 2021

Also in Los Angeles, the first case of the new strain of the coronavirus that is more contagious was confirmed, the so-called UK virus.

Public Health Announces First Confirmed Case of UK Coronavirus Variant as Los Angeles County Surpasses 1 Million Total Cases; 253 New Deaths and 13, 669 New Positive Cases of #COVID 19. View for More Information.

– LA Public Health (@lapublichealth) January 16, 2021


Irregular vaccination

State-by-state vaccine distribution remains uneven, and data from CDC shows that as of Friday, they have administered the 36% of doses, or 12. 1 million of the 35 Millions of doses have been distributed to states.

On Friday, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Alex Azar, revealed that there are no more vaccine stocks and blamed “the micromanagement of this process by some states” for the irregularities arities in the distribution of the vaccine.

Azar also shared his resignation letter on Twitter on Friday, saying that will continue to serve until Wednesday, but that the riots of last week they tarnished the legacy of the Trump Administration.

I handed in my letter this week along with every other political appointee, effective January 19 at noon.

– Secretary Alex Azar (@SecAzar) January 14, 2021

Most early vaccines have been administered to front-line medical workers and residents of nursing homes. CDC reported that your data could be delayed and, in certain Under no circumstances, some doses could be counted more than once.

With information from EFE