Friday, September 20

Sensory: How much is Noerden's scale worth to lose those extra pounds?

We tested the connected Sensory scale to evacuate the kilos of parties and confinements – 20 Minutes
  • Getting Rid of Covid – 04, to find oneself and … lose weight, so many wishes expressed by many at the beginning of the year.
  • To fulfill the last of these wishes, the use of a connected scale can help with success.
  • Sold 89 euros, the new Sensory from the French brand Noerden makes it possible to fight very carefully against accumulated fat, but has a cheaper competitor, the Body + from the Withings brand.

Classic classics among the good resolutions at the beginning of each year: lose those extra pounds . After those accumulated during the two confinements, now added those of the last holidays. New arrival in the family of connected scales , the Sensory of the brand Noerden has arguments to help us find the line before the sunny days , with specific measures to help us meet our weight loss goal.

Le design de la balance Sensory ne diffère guère de celui des autres balances connectées.
The design of the Sensory scale does not differ much from that other connected scales. – NOERDEN

Wifi, more practical against pounds

We owe Noerden a smart bottle named Liz , des watches and connected scales. With Sensory, this manufacturer of French origin based in Asia is advancing a scale whose design does not reinvent the wheel. Under its glass top (27 x 27 x 2.5 cm), Sensory has the particularity of being a WiFi scale. Tip: choose it in white. Scales with a black finish let dust and hair show much more easily and must be cleaned continuously.

Le choix d'un plateau de couleur blanche permet d'éviter l'accumulation de poussières.
The choosing a white tray helps prevent dust accumulation. – NOERDEN

After downloading the Noerden application and creating an account, the balance is set up in a minute. All you have to do is insert four AAA batteries (supplied), associate it with your home WiFi network and carry out a first weighing. This action allows the application to recognize Sensory. From then on, there will no longer be any need to manipulate your smartphone, except to read the data recorded by the scale. Le design de la balance Sensory ne diffère guère de celui des autres balances connectées.

La balance Sensory de Noerden est wifi.
The Noerden Sensory scale is wifi. – CHRISTOPHE SEFRIN / 20 MINUTES

Unlike a connected Bluetooth scale which requires open its application at each weighing so that the collected data are simultaneously recorded, a WiFi scale automatically stores them on the cloud and transfers them to the application of its user when the latter Ci wishes it. This simplicity seemed particularly attractive to us.

Ten measurements, including that of visceral fat rate

Before attacking this month of January detox , the Noerden application allows you to set a weight goal to reach. If it is necessary to remain realistic, this indication will make it possible, when one examines his data to see where his weight curve is located in relation to the set objective, but also to know at a glance the number of kilos remaining to to lose. The Sensory scale doesn’t stop there. Its sensors analyze ten data. Le design de la balance Sensory ne diffère guère de celui des autres balances connectées.

La balance connectée Sensory de Noerden, lancée à 89 euros.

The Noerden application provides access to all data at any time measured. – NOERDEN

In addition to the weight of its users (automatically recognized in use), the balance measures fat mass, water mass, visceral fat rate, bone mass, lean body mass, BMI (body mass index), MB (basal metabolism, the minimum number of calories the body has needs daily), metabolic age and heart rate. Not bad. Of course, all these measures will not necessarily be useful to the greatest number. In these times of good resolutions, a careful and regular look at your visceral fat level may however be relevant.

Stored in the abdominal cavity (around the liver, pancreas and intestines), visceral fat, if too high, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. It is necessary to act to bring it back to a normal level. Solutions: eat healthier (and if possible without being in front of a screen!), Drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily, increase your physical activity and sleep better. Another indicator that can be scary: metabolic age. Based on the actual age of the scale user and their body composition, it characterizes the age of their body. Acting on your basal metabolism allows you to reduce your metabolic age and increase your health capital. Le design de la balance Sensory ne diffère guère de celui des autres balances connectées.

La balance connectée Sensory de Noerden, lancée à 89 euros.

The connected Sensory scale from Noerden, launched at 80 euros. – CHRISTOPHE SEFRIN / 20 MINUTES

Complete, but with a serious competitor

Tested for a week, the Sensory scale is some of the most reliable that our extra pounds have known until then. Sold 89 euros, it has however a very serious competitor: the Body + from the French brand Withings. Also Wifi, this scale has long been a benchmark. It offers a smaller number of measurements (weight, fat mass index, muscle mass index, bone mass and water mass), but also displays the day’s weather forecast and the evolution of the weight curve directly on its screen. Its price has also just fallen, now going to 31 euros. Le design de la balance Sensory ne diffère guère de celui des autres balances connectées.