Sunday, October 6

Trump's great defeat in Texas with the victory of Jake Ellzey for Congress

La gran derrota de Trump en Texas con triunfo de Jake Ellzey para el Congreso
The candidate former President Trump supported, Susan Wright, lost a special election in Texas.

Photo: Brandon Bell / Getty Images



The candidate supported by the former president Donald Trump in the special election to the House of Representatives, held this Tuesday in Texas, he lost to a Republican considered moderate.

Susan Wright, Congressman’s widow Ron Wright, died in February from COVID – 19, received a 46. 8% of the votes against 53. 2% of Jake Ellzey in Texas District 6, which groups counties outside Dallas.

The This Tuesday’s special election was called after Wright’s death. It was a second round in which both candidates were Republicans as neither Democrat qualified in the first multi-party round of May.

Trump had announced his support for Wright, whose campaign was focused in her alliance with the former president, while Ellzey spoke about other issues such as education.

The defeat of a Trump-backed candidate is a surprise at a time of maximum polarization within the Republican Party , although in this type of election, participation is usually very low.

In addition, some Democrats, without their own candidate to vote for , went to the polls in support of Ellzey.

Wright was the second Republican congressman to died of coronavirus at the beginning of the year or after Luke Letlow .

Letlow’s widow, Julia Letlow, also stood for the special election to fill the vacancy left by her husband and in her case she was elected.

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