Monday, October 7

Comets spiritual significance: why they are considered heavenly messengers

Significado espiritual de los cometas: por qué se les considera mensajeros celestiales
Comets were associated with bad omens.

Photo: Ganapathy Kumar / Unsplash

comets are spectacular astronomical phenomena that have been studied for years. Seeing one of these rocky bodies in the sky is a privilege for astronomers and the general public, however, in various cultures and societies inspire fear because, it is believed, they predict disasters .

Ancient civilizations used to study the most common celestial bodies as the Sun, Moon and stars whose trajectory is predictable. But comets appeared from one moment to another and their orbit was considered erratic, for this reason, they believed that they were messengers of the gods.

Her long tail read like a woman with long wavy hair, associating her with the duel, others compared it to a sword of fire, believing that announced war and death . These ideas, over time, unleashed fear and dread among people, as reported by researcher Noah Goldman in Deep Impact .

But beyond legends and myths, comets have also been associated with major catastrophes . For example, the Romans linked the passing of a meteor with the murder of Julius Caesar, many years later in Switzerland Halley’s Comet was blamed for earthquakes, disease and the birth of two-headed animals, while the English linked it to the arrival of the black plague. In America, a comet was among the omens of the Mexica culture that heralded the arrival of the Europeans and their subsequent conquest.

3 spiritual meanings of comets

Death and destruction : due to their historical-religious connotation of ancient cultures, comets are associated with omens such as death and destruction. Although this interpretation should not be taken literally, there are those who still believe that they are divine messengers. According to Spiritual Unite , comets rather represent end of cycles and serve to remind us of the vastness of the universe.

Stirring periods : comets are often associated with the birth of new ages. On the personal level, they represent a moment of reflection on our past mistakes.

Rebirth : These celestial bodies also signal the beginning of a spiritual journey for us after having gone through difficult and chaotic times that made us wiser and stronger.

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