Friday, September 20

Andrea Escalona recounts the moment when she found Magda Rodríguez lifeless: “It was a very strong shock”

Andrea Escalona narra el momento en que encontró a Magda Rodríguez sin vida: “Fue un shock bien fuerte”

Andrea Escalona.

Photo: Archive / Reform Agency

Andrea Escalona opened her heart to share with the public some aspects of her intimate, sentimental and professional, as well as one of the most painful episodes of his life, the death of his mother, the television producer Magda Rodríguez .

It was during an interview with the journalist Mara Patricia Castañeda , where the host of the program ‘Hoy’ narrated in detail the last conversations she had with her mother, in which they came to talk about the health problems she had during the last days of life:

“On Saturday was the delivery of the TV and Novelas, I had the Tenorio. He canceled it (a meeting) because Albertano who had COVID had gone and Magda said that how we were going to meet was very risky. I was with her that Saturday and she told me: ‘This week I have felt bad’ , eye I have not felt bad about: ‘I’m going to die’, it was like: ‘I’m tired’ ”, she pointed out.

Escalona denied that her mother was ill, since she never showed symptoms of any suffering, I was even unaware that she had ulcers, which according to medical reports were the ones that caused her death: “ I feel sick I was not, we never did the COVID test, I don’t know if I had it or not. An ulcer broke out, I didn’t even know she had an ulcer “.

Before losing communication with her , These were his last words for the actress:

He gave me the blessing, he told me I love you, you triumph a lot, I already wanted to run because it was late for the Tenorio. I arrive at the Tenorio, I do the second show, but insistently he tells me: ‘Don’t come because what if I have COVID, you are forbidden to come to the house’ “.

Escalona assured that, although Magda lived alone, that weekend she asked the domestic worker to stay with her: “ He did some very exotic things “.

And he shared how the morning of Sunday 1 November passed , the day his mother lost her life:

The next day I am thinking about her, I speak to her through The phone doesn’t answer me, I talk to my girl on the phone. I get up (thinking about her) at 8, I start doing my things. (…) I talk to my mother and she doesn’t answer her cell phone, they were like ten and a bit “, he recalled.

If my mother something’s wrong, I’m dying “, was the phrase that crossed his mind before he found out that Magda was no longer alive.

When she had no answer, she decided to speak to the domestic worker, who told her: “ Miss is not breathing “, being the first person to see the creative lifeless.

Escalona arrived at his mother’s home at the same time as his aunt, Andrea Rodríguez , but it was too late, because so much paramedics like them could do something to revive her.

“We arrived at the same time and when I met her she was fine… now. He no longer felt anything and then the ambulances that arrived very quickly, arrived about half an hour or an hour later, which was not the case anymore because he was already well … ”

This was one of the strongest blows he has received in his life: “ Yes it was a shock well strong to see my mother, very hard and of not believing and of screaming, talking and kissing her, making her Ho’Ponopono, a very strong moment “.

He also recalled that one of the first people to support him was the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Televisa , Emilio Azcarraga Jean :

“I will never forget the first calls that I still received with my mother there were from Mr. Emilio (Azcarraga Jean) and (he told me) not to worry . They took care of everything, were at the foot of the canyon affectionate, loving . After what I experienced, I can tell you c with a lot of pride: ‘My house Televisa’ “.

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