Un commissariat de police. (Illustration)

A police station. (Illustration) – Clément Follain / 20 Minutes

Videos have toured social networks in just a few hours: this Sunday, two police officers, bikers within the security and intervention company of Seine-Saint-Denis ( CSI 37 ), were attacked by a dozen individuals in the heart of the quoted of 3. , in Aulnay-sous-Bois. In the pictures, we see one of them being kicked while on the ground,

his colleague who helps him get up is also violently attacked.

French youth Vs cops.

Scenes from the Aulnay-sous-Bois district in # Paris .

Solidarity is our weapon. pic.twitter.com/NgGbSS8Lax

– th1an1 (@ th1an1)

January 3, 2018 Un commissariat de police. (Illustration) The scene took place towards 14 hours, rue Edgar Degas. According to a police source, the two bikers were checking a man riding a scooter. “Other individuals quickly arrived and violently took them to task,” said this source. The latter could have been alerted, according to our information, by the passenger of the scooter, who had gone to collect the driver’s papers at his home.

A man arrested

One of the police officers, injured in the shoulder, was prescribed seven days of total interruption of work (ITT), specifies the prosecutor’s office of Bobigny which opened an investigation for “violence on a person holding public authority ”. The second, who suffers from pain in the ribs, must go to the medico-judicial unit today. A man, aged 17 years old, was arrested, says the prosecution without giving more details.

The investigations, entrusted to the Aulnay-sous-Bois police station, are nevertheless continuing. As is generally the case in this type of case, the investigators will in particular sift through the various videos that have circulated on social networks in order to isolate elements – physical, clothing, etc. – which will allow them to identify the perpetrators of violence. These will then be cross-checked with the video surveillance and telephony of people suspected of having taken part in the violence.