Sunday, October 6

Arleth Terán defends Arath de la Torre, calls Voladores de Papantla “opportunists”

After the controversy generated by the participation of Arath de la Torre in a advertisement in which he would have made a discriminatory act towards the Voladores de Papantla , his friend and acting partner, Arleth Terán, comes out in his defense with strong signaling towards the group of dancers.

The actress Arleth Terán spoke out against the news that was released a few days ago, which confirms that the Council for the Protection and Preservation of the Ritual Ceremony of Voladores AC will sue the actor and comedian Arath de la Torre for moral damage and discrimination , due to the comment he made towards the group of dancers, ensuring the ancestral ritual “generates zero interest. ”

And it was exactly in the Instagram publication made by the Mexican magazine TVNotas, where the famous woman appeared with her comment, in which she qualified as“ Opportunists ”to the dancers who are demanding financial compensation and public apologies from the actor, as well as from the company that hired him to make the publicity mention.

However, this comment caused the annoyance of the users of this network social, who not only criticized the opinion of the soap opera villain, but also reminded her that she was the one who caused the break between Maribel Guardia and Joan Sebastian , since she was supposedly the third in discord when she worked with the singer-songwriter in the telenovela ‘Tú y Yo’.

And what were you when you got involved with Joan Sebastian knowing that she was a couple with Maribel Guardia “,“ Plastic artists like you lack a lot of education and good values ​​ “,” Without the people you are nothing “,” Remember that they live off the public, how bad you are “,” The opportunist who likes to get down husbands spoke “,“ How unfortunate your comment! it only denotes a huge ignorance on your part “, these are just some comments he received.

So far Arleth Terán has not given any statement about the comment with which he tried to defend his friend.

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