Sunday, September 29

'We are living a pandemic of the unvaccinated', CDC doctors

Medical experts from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that the rebound in cases and hospitalizations of Covid in some regions of the country is a pandemic of the unvaccinated, so they encourage people who do not have been immunized, to do so.

It is clear that for many of us this is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated . Unvaccinated people account for the majority of new infections and hospitalizations , ”said Dr. José Montero, director of the CDC’s Center for State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support during the videoconference“ Center Update Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the Covid pandemic – ”, offered by Ethnic Media Services.

The doctor specified that until Thursday 15 of July, they had registered a 70% increase in new cases compared to 7 previous days, and of 36% in hospitalizations.

What is more, he pointed out that the outbreak of Covid has occurred in places in the country with low levels of d e vaccination while communities where people are fully vaccinated are responding better.

Although, he affirmed that we are in a better position that in January, February, March and until April, it is quite clear that the pandemic is not over. “The good thing is that if you are vaccinated, you have protection against severe Covid and hospitalization.”

The Delta variant is the cause of recent hospitalizations. (Reuters)

About the Delta variant , said it spreads rapidly in areas of the country with low levels of vaccination. “ Represents more than 70% of the samples we have followed up when in June they were from 26% ”.

Available information suggests that the Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines offer protection against Delta and other variants of concern, said Dr. Montero.

Dr. Lauri Hicks, chief medical officer of the CDC Vaccination Task Force, reiterated that the greatest cases of Covid occur in places where people are not vaccinated.

“I want to encourage you to get vaccinated for yourself, your families and your community. If you are not vaccinated, you are at risk. We will continue to see preventable cases, hospitalizations, and sadly deaths among the unvaccinated. Therefore, if you have not done them, it is time for you to get vaccinated ”, he warned.

Specified those who have been delayed to apply the second dose, that they should take it even when it is recommended three or four weeks later.

Are we in the middle of the third wave of Covid?

The Dr. Montero said they do not know, but what is absolutely certain is that we are seeing an increase in cases, hospitalizations and deaths.

“Time will tell us a thing or a thing. The reality is that with the vaccine we have an impressive tool in our hands that can make that change and we need to get the population vaccinated. ”

Vacunación COVID-19 a un menor
Even if we are vaccinated, we have to take care of Covid – ./ File.

Have we addressed the disparities of health?

Dr. Hicks stated that although vaccination has increased in most racial groups, African Americans continue to be the fewer are vaccinated.

By Therefore, he said that the CDC needs to ensure equity in access to vaccines in communities and focus on zero zones where there are many infections.

“It is key to expand the places where people can be vaccinated. We are really working to increase confidence in the vaccine and to form an alliance with different community leaders. ”

He also stated that they want make sure doctors have the information they need to educate their patients, because they are usually the people they trust the most.

“We are working with medical associations, community clinics and religious organizations and centers for refugees and immigrants.”

Are we doing enough to reach everyone?

The doctor Montero stressed that it will take time to achieve the equity to which they aspire and it will not be overnight, but they are working on that.

“We have tried to emphasize the importance of the vaccine in those areas hardest hit such as service industries and agriculture. ”

But at the same time they work with health departments at different levels of government to address access problems. “There are issues related to education and trust. In the case of African Americans, historical mistakes have been made that give them reason to distrust that they can be denied. ”

It revealed that $ 2 has been earmarked. billion to address social disparities and reach rural populations and the foothills of big cities. “The Covid team does an impressive job reaching out to those groups.”

However, they stated that they are concerned about children under the age of 12 years for whom there are no vaccines. “That is why it is important to make sure that their parents are vaccinated to protect their children.”

About the population that has their system compromised immunological, said they may not have the same level of protection even vaccinated.

Vacunación en Los Ángeles
The use of masks depends on the state of the pandemic in each region. (Getty Images)

Why what CDC does not refer to masks?

Dr. Hicks said that the use of masks is still an extremely important preventive measure especially for children under the age of years and people with a depressed immune system who, even if they have been vaccinated, may not be fully protected against Covid.

Social distancing is another prevention measure, avoid crowded places, especially indoors and poorly ventilated s.”

And he pointed out that it is considered safe to remove the mask, but it is totally acceptable to use it when you are around unvaccinated people.

Dr. Montero specified that the recommendation on the use of the mask depends on the local or state authorities based on the epidemiological situation of each region. “The message is not black and white. If I am in a country where the 50% of the population is vaccinated, I will use it all the time. ”

And he was very clear in pointing out that the CDC has never declared that they do not use masks. “ We have said that those vaccinated have a good level of protection, but the use of the mask will depend on the Covid levels of each region and state “.

Dr. Montero said that many organizations and private companies are moving to make vaccination mandatory.

“I have seen strong statements in many medical organizations, recommending that people who are in health care; and in some other key industries, they are forced to get vaccinated. ”

The possibility of applying a booster doses for those who received the Covid vaccine – by J&J that requires a single dose. (Getty Images)

A second dose?

On the possibility of giving a second booster of the Pfizer vaccine to those who received the Johnson & Johnson single-dose vaccine, Dr. Hicks said they analyze the information to see if you can combine with Pfizer or Moderna in a safe and effective way.

“There is some data from Europe that they suggest may be a reasonable approach. We have seen information on the AstraZeneca and Moderna vaccine from Europe suggesting that mixing and matching leads to good protection. ”

But it did show that at the moment because they only have a small number of studies and very limited data, they can’t necessarily do it.