Sunday, September 29

Child Tax Credit: Returnees can spend the money on child care

Crédito Tributario por Hijos: quienes regresaron a los empleos pueden gastar el dinero en el cuidado infantil
Those who use the money from the tax credit for child care will have the guarantee that the salary they receive will be able to give them more.

Photo: Archive / Real America News

There is no guide or ABC that indicates how the money that US families are receiving corresponding to the Child Tax Credit should be used , which unlike the stimulus checks that were delivered in a single exhibition .

The main objective of this tax credit has to do with the idea that it is Focused so that families are guaranteed the essentials for their children, that is, food, clothing, among other things, but this does not mean that this money must be spent in its entirety.

With the reopening of the economy many heads of families are back in the workplace, this means that in addition to the salary they are receiving, if they are beneficiaries of the Child Tax Credit will have monthly extra money with which they can cover certain needs.

According to experts that extra money must be handled with caution and well focused, for this reason it is advised that those who do not have someone to leave the best of age in custody while they work that money should be earmarked for child care .

Before it arrived the pandemic, millions of people usually used part of their salary to pay for child care, a situation that wasted a good amount of money. For this reason, the monthly payments of the Child Tax Credit can be an important source of financial relief and savings .

Throughout the pandemic, millions of Americans who, due to their work role, continued to work in person, had to abandon their jobs, mainly because they had no one to leave their minor children with while they were working their day.

Daniel Milan, managing partner of Cornerstone Financial Services, explained to Yahoo, that if people do not need help paying for the care of their children, then it is recommended that they schedule monthly payments to cover their monthly bills so that families will have a break in that tenor.

Milan recommended that beneficiaries evaluate in detail “what are the most immediate needs” for their children and their home. The expert added that the money provided by the government, even if it is not much, is a sure way to “help in a difficult situation when your back is against the wall.”

You may also be interested in: Tax Credit for Children: the undocumented have the right to receive it