Sunday, September 29

Learn about the five main esoteric symbols: what each one is used for

If you are a fan of esotericism , you have surely heard of the main symbols used for certain rituals , so this time we will talk about them, their meaning and what each of them is used for.

On many occasions these esoteric symbols are used as amulets of protection, depending on the rituals or spells used to heal or to clean the person or some places.

It is important to know the esoteric symbols and what each one means in order to be able to use them in the best way in rituals or to to be able to use them as amulets of protection.

So let’s get started with the list of the five most important amulets within the esoteric world .

The main esoteric signs

The circle

This is one of the most important symbols and the most used in the world of esotericism, since which represents unity, perfection and the absolute.

Since it is a symbol that closes on itself, which represents in the same way a powerful protection from all the negative that you want to move away.

Another of the meanings that the circle has is the relationship between heaven and earth, link that spirituality has with material things.

It is also a symbol that perfectly represents the eternity.

Regarding its meaning, it refers to the protection and psychic energy that is related to the magical powers for creativity.

The Star of David

Despite being one of the best known symbols of Judaism, undoubtedly the Star of David , is one of the most representative symbols of esotericism , since it is attributed a very special mystical power.

This symbol, which is represented as a six-pointed star, it is also known as Solomon’s seal, which is characterized by representing an axis of light and hope .

It is related to peace, hope, balance and protection, that is why it is widely used in esoteric rituals .

The staff

Another of the main symbols of esotericism is the pentagram, also known as the five-pointed star, which represents in a way imaginary to a human.

Since each point represents the extremities of the body, that is , the head, arms and legs, which express harmony , which a human must have to enjoy the essence of life.

The staff also represents the five elements of nature that are: earth, air, fire, water and ether.

This symbol is used pointed up in white magic rituals, and in black magic rituals, the tip goes down.

The Swastika

The swastika is one of the oldest and most controversial symbols that has been used since ancient times, there is research that highlights that it was used long before it Hitler will integrate it into the Nazi flag.

According to Joya Life site, the swastika symbolizes four elements: fire, wood, water and earth . And its use is like a badge of protection with incalculable power.

However, this symbol has been harshly questioned and has generated controversy over time.

The triangle

In many esoteric rituals it is also used the triangle, which is a symbol that represents the body, the high and the divine will.

It represents three elements like e l water, fire and earth.

The triangle is one of the most used symbols in esoteric rituals, because three aspects are covered in spells.

Each of the aforementioned symbols has its own power and characteristics.

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