Tuesday, October 1

Child Tax Credit: the undocumented have the right to receive it

Crédito Tributario por Hijos: los indocumentados tienen derecho a recibirlo
To receive the Tax Credit for Children, it is only required that the people who aspire to the benefit must present the valid Social Security number per dependent to be able to qualify.

Photo: John Moore / Getty Images

The tax credits approved by President Joe Biden and the United States Congress, which are part of their economic rescue plan for the country, are allowing millions of families are guaranteed food support for minors .

For this reason, the federal administration gave the green light for the most vulnerable Americans to have access to the Child Tax Credit, which was released last 15 July , but they will be monthly payments continuous until December to families that have been qualified.

One of the population groups with more economic problems and with less access to social programs than provided by the US government, without a doubt, are the undocumented, who for fear of being deported prefer not to apply for support that are awarded.

Although there is a latent fear of being deported, undocumented migrant families with children born in the United States have the right to receive the Child Tax Credit, even though they have not made a tax payment to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Irma Treviño, spokeswoman for the IRS, indicated to the Telemundo network that to receive the Tax Credit for Children it is only required that people who aspire to the benefit must present valid Social Security number per dependent in order to qualify.

For months the US government announced that the distribution of this tax credit would benefit more than 40 millions of Americans and, in particular, more than 65 millions of minors . Despite the efforts made by the government, the undocumented do not know that they have the right to receive them.

For this reason, for more than a year month, the IRS began a strong campaign for community centers and migrant support associations to inform the population that regardless of their immigration status they have the right to receive payments monthly ranging from $ 250 dollars to $ 300 dollars.

According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, it is estimated that in the country there are 4.1 million minors living in poverty, of which 1.6 million are Latino. This figure is extremely high for the Latino community, as many of those children may have undocumented parents.

The IRS, as well as advocates for Human rights have confirmed that the undocumented population of the United States can go to community centers in the areas where they live to receive guidance , as well as support will be provided to fill out the forms that are requested to receive help.

A few days ago, the government through the IRS released $ 15, 000, 000 million dollars corresponding to the first Round of payments of the Child Tax Credit, according to the White House, benefited 35 million families. It was reported that of 100% of payments issued, around 86% were direct deposits.

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