Saturday, September 21

Chip shortage: Higher-mileage used cars are on the rise as the crisis continues

Escasez de chips: los autos usados de mayor kilometraje están aumentado conforme la crisis se mantiene
Used Chevrolet Silverado models from more than 5 years ago have increased in value due to a shortage of chips.

Photo: Chevrolet / Courtesy

With the shortage of semiconductor chips – a crisis that is affecting a large number of industries, including the automotive industry – used cars have acquired a great value during this year and their prices continue to rise. As reported by Roadshow, this phenomenon has taken much more force with the lifting of restrictions due to the COVID pandemic – 19 in the United States, a fact that led the automotive industry to a scenario of high demand and low supply, aggravated by this supply chain problem still latent.

For these reasons, some productions have been seriously affected, as has happened with the Ford Bronco 2021 , and others have had to be postponed to avoid missing the scheduled dates. Meanwhile, the used car market flourishes every day, reporting a great benefit for those who sell, but not so much for those who buy, since the price difference between new models and used models seems to decrease, affecting capacity. saving.

Foto de un Honda Accord 2011
The used Honda Accord is another of the revalued models with the shortage of semiconductors./ Photo: courtesy Honda.

According to an Edmunds report, cited in Roadshow, the increase in vehicle prices with more than 100, 000 miles mileage, between last year and this year, has been really significant registering a 31%, a figure that surpasses any previous record. On some used vehicles, this percentage translates to approximately $ 4, 000 over last year’s price.

Edmunds study also reveals that Trucks – the favorite segment of Americans – have registered the largest increase in their prices , something that is not surprising if We consider all the launches this year, including that of the Ford Maverick 2021, a hybrid pickup and the Hyundai Santa Cruz 2022, another compact truck that revived the truck category little. All this phenomenon has also increased the price of the new models, whose production must fight much more with this problem in the supply chain that, apparently, will continue to be present for some time.

The prices of new and used cars have not been the only ones that have been affected with this problem, also the sales records. A few weeks ago, Toyota surpassed General Motors in the United States, recording the highest number of sales in the second quarter of the year, a feat that had not been achieved since 1998, when Ford did the same .

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