Sunday, September 22

Las Vegas recommends the use of a mask due to the rise in infections and pressure from Los Angeles County

Las Vegas recomienda uso de mascarilla ante alza de contagios y presión del Condado Los Ángeles
The use of masks did not exist in an NHL game in Las Vegas on 14 of June.

Photo: Ethan Miller / Getty Images

One day after the Los Angeles County health authorities recommended not traveling to places like Las Vegas due to the rise in COVID cases – 19, the Southern Nevada health authorities recommended on Friday that everyone return to wear the face mask in closed public places , including vaccinated people.

“The Health District is recommending for both vaccinated and unvaccinated people to wear a mask in crowded closed places, including supermarkets, shopping malls, large events and casinos to help stop the spread of COVID – 19 , ”said the Southern Nevada Health District in a statement .

Positive cases of the coronavirus have been tripled in Nevada over the past 14 days up to 10% in the rate of cases that were positive, something that had not happened since February.

In Las Vegas the use of a facial mask is minimal

On a recent trip to Las Vegas , Real America News was able to attest that the use of a mask on the Las Vegas Strip -the busiest part of Nevada- is very low not only by tourists, but by employees in hotels and casinos.

Authorities in southern Nevada, including Clark County where Las Vegas is located, released the use of the mask for fully vaccinated people since May, although in reality They were never very strict in the application of the mandate .

Just on Thursday, the Los Angeles County indicated that the facial mask will be required again indoors from Saturday at 11: 59 pm on the rise in COVID cases – 19 during the last week.

A health official then recommended that Angelenos reconsider about traveling to places like Nevada, Florida, Missouri, Louisiana, and other states that have case increases several times larger than California, one of the strictest states in their prevention measures during the pandemic.

In Nevada they have been vaccinated with at least one dose only on 51% of residents, with a just the 43% of the population being fully vaccinated . That means that there are too many unvaccinated people, a bad combination with many unvaccinated tourists who come to visit without any control from the authorities.