Sunday, September 22

Faced with an upturn in Covid, they again order the use of a mask indoors

On Thursday night in a Los Angeles ballroom, the attendees moved happily to the rhythm of the music. In the heat of the alcohol they hugged and whispered into each other’s ears. None had masks. It was as if Covid and the threatening Delta variant did not exist.

DJ José, who preferred that his last name not be revealed, was sweating nervously. His mask had accidentally fallen to the ground and he did not bring another to replace it. Intoxicated by alcohol, the attendees approached him to ask for their favorite songs.

“I begged them to keep their distance. It was as if they didn’t hear me. Again and again they answered me: ‘The Covid is worth it.’ They felt omnipotent. At the party in a closed room there were more than 100 people between older and younger adults. ”

The DJ left the place super scared at the end of his day. “I’m going to get tested for Covid on Monday, but I no longer plan to work at parties other than outdoors. The truth is that I’m very afraid of getting sick with Covid. ”

The order comes to use masks in closed spaces. (Getty Images)

This week, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors determined that given the resurgence from Covid, it will again be an obligation to wear masks in closed spaces, starting on Sunday 18 of July. The use of masks had been eliminated on 15 of June when the economy reopened.

“The Los Angeles County has seen a significant increase in cases in a week with 1, 000 residents who have positive every day and today (15 July) we have 1, said Hilda Solís.

“This has been combined with a rapid increase in our overall positivity rates and, unfortunately, more people are hospitalized every day.”

She indicated that according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the county is at one of the highest levels of community spread.

“It is clear that l The Delta variant is here and it is spreading rapidly and overwhelmingly in our unvaccinated communities. We must take action before we see an uncontrollable contagion. ”

That is why as of 18 July, once again all Los Angeles residents will be required to wear masks indoors to slow the spread of the virus and allow more time for people to get vaccinated.

This is only a temporary action, until we can reduce our cases and get more people to receive the doses they need ”.

DJ José reported that on Friday 16 from July had to witness how a customer was denied service at a popular chicken restaurant for not bringing a mask. “She alleged that the order did not go into effect until Sunday. They kindly told her that she could not attend to her while she protested, but they did not let her in. ”

Vicente Ortiz, owner of Don Chente’s and El Pescador says they will comply with the order to put the mask back on in the interiors of the restaurants. (Aurelia Ventura / Real America News).

Vicente Ortiz, owner of the Don Chente and El Pescador restaurants in Los Angeles, considered the return of the norm to use masks indoors as the result that many people do not want to be vaccinated against Covid.

“We are going to comply with the norm as we have always done with everything that the Health Department asks for, and we are going to put a sign at the entrance of the restaurants reminding customers that it is mandatory that they use it, unless they sit on the patio. ”

But even when they sit outside without masks, they must wear them when entering the indoor bathrooms.

A problem with the that they run into, is that when the staff tells customers upon arrival that they must wear a mask to give them the service, many get upset and leave.

Ortiz says that the norm that makes the use of masks indoors mandatory, it really does not have an i economic impact on restaurants. “If we would be in trouble, if they ask us to reduce attendance again.”

Isabel García, director of human resources for the El Súper supermarket chain in California, said that they will do what the health authorities order them because they are very interested in the safety of their employees and customers.

“First they told us that the masks and we follow the rule. Now they announced that you have to use them again. We are going to follow that rule and notify staff and clients of new changes, because health comes first. ”

Only outdoors the use of masks will not be required. (Pixabay)

Supervisor Solís said that this Covid resurgence is the most important reminder for those who have not been vaccinated that this pandemic is not over and that they remain at serious risk of becoming ill, hospitalized and ultimately dying.

“The variant Delta is not to be taken lightly, and if they don’t get their fix, the Delta variant is likely to find them. Fortunately, our vaccines are incredibly effective in combating this and all other variants, especially in preventing serious illness, hospitalization, and death. ”

He added that getting vaccinated not only protects one yourself, but also those around us by greatly reducing the risk of contracting the virus and transmitting it to others.

Los Angeles Council President Nury Martínez said the Delta variant is having a huge impact in Latino and African American communities. “This is a wake-up call for all Angelenos. Now is the time to do the right thing for family, friends and community, and follow the county mandate to wear a mask and get vaccinated. ”

To receive a vaccination, visit the site: or call today ( – 0473 to find a vaccination near you.

The doctor Muntu Davis of the Los Angeles County Department of Health stated that the mask requirement will be in effect until improvements are seen in community transmission of Covid.

“We continue to urge all eligible residents to get vaccinated because full Covid vaccination is the best protection people can have. If not to 100%, significantly reduces the risk of infection, and for the small number of people who become infected, it reduces the risk of hospitalization and death. ”

Many Republican legislators do not want to be vaccinated. (Getty Images)

Legislators do not want to be vaccinated

A survey by the Los Angeles Times newspaper revealed that 12 members of the California legislature, refused to reveal whether or not they are vaccinated against Covid. Of these, 11 are Republicans and understand the 40 % of the Republican caucus.

Democrats, who have a supermajority in the Senate and Assembly, reported that the 90% from the legislature is vaccinated, and the 85% of staff.

In the past two and a half weeks, the Assembly reported 10 confirmed cases of Covid, 4 of them occurred in fully vaccinated people.

The San Francisco Chronicle reported that Assembly President Anthony Rendón is considering making mandatory Covid vaccines, based on the recent spike in cases.