Monday, September 30

Why My Car Won't Start: Possible Causes

Por qué mi auto no enciende: posibles causas
If the car does not start, many times it will be necessary to check more than the battery.

Photo: / Unsplash

Of all the failures of the car, the most common and also the most worrisome may be the fact that it does not start . When there is no response from the engine, it is very likely that we will panic and start thinking about expensive repairs, even saying goodbye to the car completely. But this stance would be a bit of a stretch. Many experts argue that the fact that a car won’t start shouldn’t be a cause for concern, at least not until we’ve done a little check on our own:

1. If a car won’t start, the first thing to do is make sure it has fuel . Lack of gasoline is one of the main causes of this type of problem and can occur, many times, even if the fuel gauge shows that there is enough in the tank. In this case, it will be enough to fill the tank with a little gasoline before trying to start the car again. If it works, it will be necessary to do a more thorough check to detect possible leaks, some specific problem with the injectors, which can accumulate certain dirt that prevents the gasoline from circulating correctly or even some problem with the fuel sensor, responsible for the wrong readings.

two. The electrical system can also be a cause of the car not starting. When this system is failing, it could be two things: the battery or the generator (also called an alternator). Therefore, if we try to start the car and notice some weakness or lack of power at the moment of starting, a lack of power that also affects the lights on the dash, it is very likely that it is a fault in the electrical system. It could be, among other things, that the battery has consumed its useful life or that some problem with the alternator is not allowing it to charge properly.

3. If while driving the car turns off and does not restart, it could be the transmission . In this case we must think specifically about the chain or timing belt. It is enough to check the condition of these elements, close to the engine, to see if there are problems. If at first glance these items are loose, then it is not worth trying again as the car will not start, at least not until it is repaired. This failure will involve a great expense.

Many times the failures in the water supply , coolant or oil can cause the car not to start. These fluids are really important for the proper functioning of the engine and their absence can cause a lot of damage. Therefore, it is advisable to have a habit of constantly checking the deposits of these substances to ensure that their level is always correct.

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