Sunday, September 29

Reporter of 'El Gordo y la Flaca' ended up in the hospital

Gelena Solano , reporter for ‘El Gordo y la Flaca’ ended in the hospital , and the diagnosis has not been anything favorable so you will have to take great care of yourself for life so as not to get a new scare.

The Dominican journalist He was finishing his segment for ‘El Gordo y la Flaca’ from New York, where he resides, when Raúl de Molina and Lili Estefan, asked him how they felt since they had found out that he had been in the hospital .

“Yes, was hospitalized for 5 days and I already feel much better “, he began by explaining Gelena, who was not seen with a good face, even wanting to hide it.

But what happened to you? “, asked De Molina, who always jokes with her, but they both have enormous affection for so many years working together, and on more than one occasion they have expressed it publicly.

“The pandemic… The year in But I had a huge pain in the pit of my stomach. During this same date my little sister was hospitalized, she was 19 days in a coma , my stomach, it was swollen, “continued the Dominican journalist.

The truth is that this complication and especially in the pandemic, ended up worsening her health without know . How? A high risk infection.

I began to get a viral infection, my stomach was not well . Apart from the fact that I was not drinking a lot of water, I kept drinking coffee all the time, I was not eating fruits or vegetables ”, said Solano.

The infection spread in his stomach and it caused him greater and permanent damage: “ I have chronic gastroeteritis, and a small hernia … I have to take great care of myself and I am on antibiotics “, he concluded.

Let us remember that 2020 was a year of many tests for Gelena, not only because of the pandemic that the whole world experienced , but because her younger sister was between life and death for months when she underwent cosmetic surgery that went wrong .

To the 19 days in a coma, isolated and unable to receive a visit from his family, precisely because of the COVID protocols – 19, followed months and months of stabilization and rehabilitation .

Save The journalist will be the one who has to be more aware of her health , not only take medication, but also eat a more balanced diet. Not only to maintain one of the smallest waists in the world of entertainment, but her life.