Sunday, September 29

Mila Kunis made Ashton Kutcher sell her ticket to space

Mila Kunis hizo que Ashton Kutcher vendiera su boleto al espacio
Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher.

Photo: Alberto E. Rodriguez / Getty Images

Ashton Kutcher had a ticket for the Virgin Galactic flight into space, however he sold it . It was Mila Kunis who convinced him to do it because it was not a smart move.

The actor of 43 years conducted an interview to the medium Cheddar News where he revealed that he planned to join billionaire Richard Branson’s company flight until his wife made him reassess the risk. “My wife basically made me see that it was not a smart family decision” , stated the star of Two and a Half Men . “Go to space, when we have such young children. So I ended up selling my ticket back to Virgin Galactic. ”

“I was supposed to go on the next trip, but I will not go,” he declared.

This week, Richard Branson became the first tourist to travel off Earth , the plane he did it in featured a rocket engine that his company, Virgin Galactic, had spent two decades developing.

Despite his decision, Kutcher did not rule out the idea of ​​one day traveling into space, “I will go to space at some point (in my life),” he declared.

The British billionaire’s flight into space has given much to talk about and has made many people consolidate their interest in space tourism. Elon Musk is one of the personalities who have already reserved his travel ticket in Virgin Galactic , despite the fact that he has his own space travel company .

“To all you kids down there…” – @ RichardBranson ‘s message from zero gravity. # Unity 22

Watch the livestream:

– Virgin Galactic (@virgingalactic) July 11, 2021

The company has plans to do one more test before he begins traveling with real customers. So far, people have reserved their tickets, which have a value of $ 200 thousand up to $ 250 One thousand dollars. Virgin Galactic has plans to reopen ticketing soon at a higher price.

“To all the children, I was also a child with a dream, I wanted to search for the stars. Now I am an adult in a spaceship…. If we can do this, imagine what you can do, ”Richard Branson said to the cameras as he floated inside his flight

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