Saturday, September 28

Britney Spears calls for her father to be charged with abuse of guardianship

Britney Spears pide que su padre sea acusado de abuso de tutela
Britney Spears.

Photo: – / AFP / Getty Images

Britney Spears lunged once more at his father . This Wednesday 14 the singer again spoke at a court hearing and said he wants me to stop being a co-guardian of his estate and accuse him of abuse of guardianship.

The singer of 39 years spoke on the phone and could not help but burst into tears several times. “I want to press charges against my father today” , he condemned. “I want an investigation on my dad.” It was just last month that the interpreter of “Toxic” gave some controversial statements about guardianship under which it has remained for 13 years . In court, Britney asked for her life back.

Now, in the singer’s new testimony, she called her case a bloody cruelty and described having severe limitations such as not being able to have a cup of coffee. “If this is not abuse, I do not know what it is,” he condemned.

Britney also assured that she has severe abandonment problems and that she was not willing to be evaluated to remove her father from guardianship. For his part, her new attorney, former federal prosecutor Mathew Rosengart, spoke publicly on the singer’s behalf for the first time and urged Jamie Spears to voluntarily resign from his position .

“It’s for the best,” Rosengart said. “We will act quickly and aggressively for their removal. The question remains why is he involved? I should resign voluntarily because it’s for the best. ”

Vivian Thoreen, Jamie Spears’ attorney, made it clear that Britney’s father has no intention of give up.

After rating Britney’s testimony as clear, lucid, powerful and compelling, Mathew Rosengart said he plans to delve into what has happened under guardianship all these years . “We will analyze from top to bottom what happened during the last decade,” he promised.

Britney has said that she felt compelled to take medications and use contraceptives against her will, from those confessions, some key figures were They have moved away from the case.

Britney’s former attorney submitted his resignation last week , after the singer criticized her performance. The judge accepted the resignation on Wednesday along with that of the Bessemer Trust firm, which had been named co-guardian of the singer’s estate.

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