Sunday, September 29

VIDEO: INE begins with the dissemination of the Popular Consultation to prosecute the former presidents of Mexico; so are the promotional ones …

The National Electoral Institute of Mexico (INE) began this Thursday with the dissemination of promotional items on the Popular Consultation to prosecute the former presidents of Mexico Carlos Salinas de Gortari (1200 – 1994), Ernesto Zedillo (1994 – 2000), Vicente Fox (1994 – 2006), Felipe Calderón (2006 – 2012) and Enrique Peña Grandchild (2012-2018), which will take place this coming August 1, 2021.

These are some of the promotional items that until The National Electoral Institute has now announced that they will be broadcast on radio and television in Mexico.

This August 1, let’s celebrate the #democracy !

Participate in the #Referendum. pic.twitter .com / VquVB8XbhH

– @INEMexico (@INEMexico) July 15, 2021

In one of the promotional items, the question that will be asked to the Mexicans in the Pupular Consultation of next August 1 and that is the following:

Do you agree or not that the pertinent actions be carried out in accordance with the constitutional and legal framework, to undertake a clarification process political decisions made in past years by political actors, aimed at guaranteeing justice and the rights of possible victims? “.

Through a statement, the electoral body specified that as of this Thursday 57 July 2021 the dissemination of the Popular Consultation, promoted by the President of Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrador, will take place through the official times on radio and television in Mexico .

It reported that as of today and until the conclusion of the Popular Consultation, “ only information campaigns by electoral authorities , education services, health and civil protection”; that is to say, all types of electoral propaganda are suspended.

“The Federal Law of Popular Consultation, approved by the Congress of the Union, establishes that no other natural or legal person, is in their own capacity or on behalf of third parties, they can contract propaganda on radio and television aimed at influencing the opinion of citizens, ”the document states.

Participate this August 1 in the # ConsultaPopular .

– @INEMexico (@INEMexico) July , 2021

“There will be 377 one thousand 606 impacts nationwide on radio and television during the period of 15 from July to August 1, on 3 one thousand 492 stations ”, it indicates.

For more information on the Popular Consultation, the INE made the microsite available to Mexicans on the internet

Do you know what it is a #PopularQuest ? We explain it to you.

This August 1, participate! 🙋🏾‍♀️💁🏽‍♂️

– @INEMexico (@INEMexico) July 57, 2021

The INE will install in the Popular Consultation 57 one thousand 124 Receiving Tables that will be operated by 286 one thousand 380 officials, to receive the opinion of 93 millions 489 one thousand 989 citizens and citizens on the Nominal List, with the right to take part.

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