Monday, September 30

Floods in Germany: the impressive photos after the heavy rains in Europe that leave dozens of deaths

Europe is severely affected by the floods that hit several countries on the continent.

At least 43 people died in western Germany after strong rains caused rivers to overflow and wash away houses and vehicles.

Many people are still missing.

About six fatalities were recorded in Belgium, while neighboring countries also suffer the ravages of floods.

Una mujer intenta moverse en una calle inundada tras las fuertes lluvias en Lieja.
Many streets were submerged in the Belgian city of Liège.
La gente camina en las calles inundadas después de las fuertes lluvias en Ensival, Verviers, Bélgica.
In Verviers, people had no choice but to wander the flooded streets
Autos apilados uno encima del otro en Verviers, Bélgica.
After the floods in Verviers, numerous cars ended up piling up.

Some of the most dramatic images are from the German village of Schuld, in e l Ahrweiler district of Rhineland-Palatinate, where a state of emergency was declared.

Members of the German army were dispatched to some areas to assist with rescue operations.

Un hombre y un bombero caminan entre los escombros, tras las fuertes lluvias en Schuld, Alemania.
The flooding left piles of debris in Schuld.
Un hombre camina a través de las inundaciones en Schuld, Alemania.

Extreme weather conditions also left hundreds of thousands of people in Germany without electricity.

Vista de una zona inundada en Kyllburg, Alemania.
The streets were also flooded in the German city of Kyllburg.

Heavy rains were also recorded in Switzerland, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, where dozens of people were evacuated from their homes.

Los bomberos evacuan a las personas de sus hogares en el sur de Limburgo, los Países Bajos, el 15 de julio.
Firefighters helped evacuate several people in South Limburg, the Netherlands.
Una villa en el lago de Lucerna está cubierta de agua tras la inundación, en Stansstad, Suiza, el 15 de julio de 2021.
In Stansstad, Switzerland, makeshift bridges were installed over flooded streets.
Personas intentan recuperar sus pertenencias en caravana en un camping inundado en Ottenbach, Suiza.
A flooded campsite in Ottenbach, Switzerland.

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