Monday, September 30

Know your ascendant in the Chinese horoscope

Conoce cuál es tu ascendente en el horóscopo chino
The Chinese horoscope also has ascendants.

Photo: Jason Leung / Unsplash

Eastern astrology has several similarities to Western cosmology. In addition to having 12 zodiac signs and compatibility between signs , also has ascendants . The Chinese horoscope is made up of twelve different animals and they are determined according to the year of birth of a person.

To know the Chinese rising sign must be used the lunar calendar , where the day starts at 11 pm The day of 24 hours is divided into cycles of 2 hours, each of them is governed by an animal sign.

The Chinese ascendant represents a person’s personality and how we appear to others , the same as the ascendant of the Western Zodiac . For example, if your Chinese sign is Rabbit, whose characteristic is to be peaceful, but you were born in an hour governed by the Tiger, before the other lights aggressive and provocative, as explained in Astrology Answers .

What What hours of the day does each Chinese sign rule?

That said, it is important that you know how to what time of day you were born to find out what your Chinese Ascendant is. The hours that each animal of the Eastern Zodiac governs are the following:

Rat: 11 pm to 1 am

Ox: 1 am to 3 am

Tigre: 3 am to 5 am

Rabbit: 5 am to 7 am

Dragon: 7 am to 9 am

Snake: 9 am to 11 am

Horse: 11 am to 1 pm

Goat: 1 pm to 3 pm

Monkey: 3 pm to 5 pm

Rooster: 5 pm to 7 pm

Dog: 7 pm to 9 pm
Pig: 9 pm to 11 pm

Once you discover what is your Chinese rising sign , check their animal personality so you know how others see you.

Rising Rat

You give the impression of being smart, resourceful and with a methodical approach in everything you do. They also think that you are realistic and are not afraid to work on your goals.

Ascending Ox

They see you as someone trustworthy, with a slow, but unbreakable step. You look powerful and often see you as a person capable of achieving everything you set your mind to.

Ascendant Tiger

You seem bold, confident, outgoing (even introverted) and they see you as someone emotional.

Rising Rabbit

For others you are someone gentle and introverted. They love your style and allow others to fit in well in your cozy home.

Ascendant Dragon

Your aura is one of authority. They trust you quickly and come close because you exude protection. You are admired, you have the gift of conversation and you are always listened to.

Ascendant Serpent

You seem like a calm, thoughtful, wise and philosophical person. They see you as someone cold because you do not show emotions when they hurt you, you feel in silence.

Rising Horse

To others you seem a restless being, eager to live new experiences and mysterious. Others want to know more about you, since with your private life you are reserved.

Rising Goat

People see you as a dreamer and romantic. They think you are understanding and will want your shoulder to cry on. You look creative because you usually use metaphors to explain yourself.

Ascendant Monkey

Others see you as a sociable person, capable of changing your personality and appearance according to your environment. They think you are resourceful because of your ability to respond quickly with an idea.

Rising Rooster

They look at you as someone honest, but stubborn. You are honest, which is why people think you are very critical, but they admire your energy and drive.

Ascendant Dog

Others see in you a loyal, trustworthy and warrior friend . You come across as intuitive, genuine, and honest in your intentions.

Rising Pig

Others find you cheerful, jovial, reassuring, who likes to enjoy pleasures in life and appreciate that you are always there when they need help.

It may interest you: What is the lucky charm of each sign of the Chinese horoscope