Monday, September 30

Prince Charles: Industrial farming to produce cheap food threatens family farms and ruins the planet

Príncipe Carlos: La agricultura industrial para producir alimentos baratos amenaza granjas familiares y arruina al planeta
Prince Charles said that he has observed how many of England’s beautiful landscapes have been slowly diminishing in the name of ‘efficiency’

Photo: Alejandro Barrón / Pexels

Prince Charles has raised concerns about the approach of producing abundant and cheap food, which threatens the survival of family farms in Britain. He points out that the modern intensive agricultural system is negatively impacting the planet and also human health.

The prince, an environmental man, warns that allowing small farms to wither will “break the backbone of Britain’s rural communities” . If they leave, “it will rip the heart out of the British countryside.”

In a message broadcast on BBC Radio, Prince Charles warned that agriculture Industrial in Britain and around the world is ruining the planet. “The way we produce food has a direct impact on the Earth’s ability to sustain us , which has a direct impact on human health and economic prosperity , ”he said.

In his essay, the Prince of Wales shared his experience as a farmer. “A few ago 35 years, I set out to show that it was feasible to take a sustainable approach to agriculture, so that we could produce nutritious food without destroying the soil that grows it. ”

Large-scale monoculture fields, which use large amounts of fertilizers and pesticides, are making a big impact. Among various affectations, populations of birds and insects have decreased.

Carlos said that he has observed how many of England’s beautiful landscapes have been slowly declining in the name of “efficiency” doing great damage to the natural systems we depend on and called for the action: “We must achieve a deep and rapid change to reverse it. We must put nature back at the center of the equation. ”

Improve soil health and fertility

The environmentalist warns of the “hidden costs” of modern industrial agriculture. Damage to soils and waterways as well as emissions that add to global warming.

The British government has new schemes with which it plans to transform the agriculture in the country towards sustainable practices, the largest changes in 70 years . The new laws plan to reward farmers for producing public goods as better air and water quality, protect wildlife and soil health. Those goods could include birds, wildflowers and streams.

“If we regenerate degraded soils around the world, we could capture up to 70% of the world’s carbon emissions ”, says the Prince of Wales.

The prince is confident that we can achieve a transition towards a more sustainable agriculture and way that is respectful with the environment and economically viable. Improve the food system, from “field to table”. He concludes that “only by benefiting nature can we benefit people.”

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