Monday, September 30

Child Tax Credit: today the first payments are released, know the date of the next

Crédito Tributario por Hijos: hoy se liberan los primeros pagos, conoce la fecha de los próximos
The objective of the Tax Credit for Children is that the population most in need have what they need for their children.

Photo: Tim Boyle / Getty Images

Finally the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released the first round of monthly payments corresponding to the Child Tax Credit throughout the country, which according to the federal agency will benefit 35 million families and more than 60 millions of minors .

Over the next six months, the IRS will be releasing payments to beneficiaries, who will receive between $ 300 dollars and $ 250 dollars per month depending on your status based on age criteria determined by the federal agency.

According to the schedule established by the White House, every day 15 of each month from July to December, except when the day 15 is weekend, payments will be delivered. Therefore, the checks will come out on 15 July, 13 August, 15 of September, 15 October, 15 November and 15 from December.

This should not be lost sight of the beneficiaries, thinking that they have programmed expenses or payments related to the maintenance of their children. Those who gave bank details will have no problem because the payment will arrive on those dates.

Different case for those who will be sent via mail and the they must change in a banking institution. In the case of these people, the payment is released in a timely manner, but perhaps they will receive it a week or two later at their home, so it is essential that they are attentive.

In case the taxpayers did not register to receive the support, no problem, they can claim the payment from the IRS to do so and thus not lose the next payment in August and the following, so it is important that applicants register as soon as possible.

The purpose of the Child Tax Credit is for the money that is granted to help parents to guarantee the supply of food for minors and other daily needs. The payment amount can be used to pay debts or accumulate savings for emergencies .

It is important for taxpayers to be clear that the Child Tax Credit will not affect their eligibility to qualify for other federal benefits such as food aid or receive stimulus checks in case they have not reached the beneficiary yet.

Most families who have filed their taxes do not have to do anything to receive it. The IRS will use the 2020 tax returns to determine eligibility

, or the statements of 2019 for those who have not yet submitted last year.

You may also be interested in: Child Tax Credit: IRS ensures that the first payments will benefit 65 million children