Saturday, September 28

Grounds for collapsed Surfside building for sale

Se venden terrenos del edificio colapsado de Surfside
Authorize the sale of the land where the damaged Champlain Tower was located, in Surfside, Miami.

Photo: Photo by Anna Moneymaker / Getty Images / Getty Images

A Florida judge approved the sale of the Surfside land in Miami-Dade , where was the Champlain building that collapsed last 24 June and where they lost their lives 96 people. Just days after the search for bodies in the rubble was completed.

The decision was made by the judge Michael Hanzman who assured that with this acceleration of the sale of the land, his intention is that the relatives of the victims can benefit, economically, as soon as possible and with maximum benefit.

It is estimated that this sale can be made between $ 100 and $ 110 million dollars. According to Hazman “the audience is not interested in prolonging the negotiation ”and stressed that even though it is not about money, because that will not return the lives lost, in these cases the law gives value to the legal claims that come after a catastrophe like this.

On the other hand, the Mayor of Surfside, Charles Burkett, had mentioned conversations with civil servants of the city of Miami and with relatives of the victims in order to discuss future plans for the site. There was talk of building a monument in the place, “we definitely need a monument, it must be determined where it will be”, said Danielle Levine-Cava, the mayor of Miami-Dade County.

In this regard, many relatives of the victims have agreed as they consider “a lack of respect” for anything else to be built on that land, even knowing that there were bodies that could not be rescued. Although the mayor of Surfside, believes that there are relatives who will not sacrifice “potential funds” so that it is converted by the state into a “sacred place.”

Indeed, some relatives of victims whose bodies have already been found, acknowledged that they would not care if in that place another construction is made. While other relatives, especially those of whom the bodies were not found, say that “it would be very sad, and disrespectful, to see a construction in that place over the rest loved ones ”, as stated by Soriya Cohen, wife of Dr Brad Cohen whose body has not yet been found.

Regarding the so-called “collateral damage” of the tragedy, specialists in the real estate area spoke of the fear that now exists among the residents of the area with respect to the buildings in which they live , so they predict an economic impact in the real estate area Miami for Surfside residents.

While many buyers now want to know about “Structural integrity” and everything related to the construction of its buildings in that area, this will probably affect the price at which that land can be sold where the building of the tragic collapse was located.

The cause of the partial collapse of the “Champlain Towers South” have not yet been determined and the investigations are still open. What was left of the building standing was demolished on July 4 to facilitate the search. , which were subsequently suspended on July 7, that is, a week ago. Until yesterday, there were still some 12 missing people