Saturday, September 28

Astrological meaning of the phases of the Moon: learn to use its energy

Significado astrológico de las fases de la Luna: aprende a usar su energía
The phases of the Moon help us to express our desires.

Photo: Ramiro Martinez / Unsplash

In astrology, the Moon is in charge of governing the most intimate emotions and thoughts, so its energy helps us connect with ourselves. Working with each of its phases could empower us to meet our goals.

Astrologers explain that aligning ourselves with the cycles of the Moon could be healing. A person with an optimal state of mind is more productive, they emphasize. To understand how the natural satellite of the Earth works for the benefit of us, we must know the astrological meaning of the lunar phases .

Although a complete lunar cycle is made up of nine phases, there are four main ones: New Moon, First Quarter, Last Quarter and Full Moon . Each occurs regularly once a month and lasts for about two days. Find out below what its astrological meaning is.

New Moon

Is the phase when the Moon is darkest and occurs when it aligns with the Sun. Astrologers say that its energy is maximized and we can use it to manifest our deepest desires, according to Cosmopolitan. When representing the beginnings, the rituals of the new beginnings .

First quarter

The energy of this phase is more optimistic, since it is when the manifestations and goals of the new Moon begin to materialize. Here, you will feel full of energy so it is the perfect time to refine your goals and add new goals.

Last quarter

Here we see half of the Moon illuminated. The energy of the last quarter motivates us to finish projects and goals. It is not a good time to get involved in new cycles since our forces are weakened, according to Avastrology explains.

Full Moon

The Moon is at its brightest and this is when we harvest the seeds we plant during the Moon new. It is an ideal phase to thank the universe for all that it gave us during the cycle that concludes. In this final part it is recommended close circles and recharge ourselves with energy to start a new cycle with all the cosmic positivity.

Ritual to connect with the phases of the moon

One of the rituals that will help you connect with the energy of the phases of the Moon is known as lunar diary. It consists of reserving a notebook and writing, in tune with the cycles of the Moon, your wishes, how you wish to achieve yourself, at what time, their status and, in the end, which ones you did and did not manage to fulfill.

Thus, not only will the universe know what your goals are, it will help you achieve them and, at the same time, you will be aware of the commitment you have established with yourself.

It may interest you: 2021 The reason why you suffer from insomnia on nights with a full moon, according to astrology