Saturday, September 28

El Niño Prodigy Horoscope July 15, 2021


03 / 21 – 04 / 19

Opportunities will present themselves on the sentimental level, so romance will knock on the doors of your heart. Cheer up! Because you will have the courage to give yourself in a fiery way. You will show yourself as you are, and your charm will help you conquer your desires.


04 / 19 – 05 / 20

You will find a less mechanical way to perform because otherwise you will end up getting bored of doing the same. In these moments it is very important that you put an extra quota of creativity. If you rethink your actions, you will find more promising ways to achieve success.


06 / 21 – 06 / 20

Get ready to turn heads! At this time your charms will be exalted and your desire to seduce and flirt will grow. If you want to improve your image, you could try a different hairstyle or new wardrobe combinations. All eyes will be on you!


6 / 20 – 7 / 20

The opportunity will be given for you to illuminate and harmonize your home. Now you will fill yourself with more tolerance and you will be very understanding with your loved ones. In addition, your inspiration will be exalted, so if you want to redecorate your home you can let yourself be guided by your good taste.


07 / 21 – 07 / 21

Your mind will be very active and you will seek to see both sides of the coin in each situation you analyze. If the dialogue with your usual confidants had grown cold, don’t worry! because any door that was closed will open and you will be able to speak freely.


08 / 22 – 10 / 22

That business that interests you will need an intelligent strategy to be able to materialize. Good alliances will be key for your efforts to bear fruit. You have to know that economically, your good decisions will be the ones that will help you progress.


08 / 23 – 10 / 22

Today the Moon will enter Libra exalting your natural gifts. In this new cycle you will feel the desire to start a project, in which in addition to leaving your personal signature, you will be able to pour out your inspiration and creativity, and with which you will motivate others.


09 / 23 – 12 / 22

Now you will look at things from a more spiritual approach. You will put yourself in the place of the other and you will be very understanding. In addition, you will have a more helpful attitude and will be willing to reach agreements. You will also pause to reflect.


11 / 23 – 12 / 20

Glamor and sophistication will come into your life from the hand of new friends. There will be a renewal of your social circle that will allow you to appreciate new nuances. You will have the necessary help to make all your dreams come true, so open yourself to the exchange.


12 / 21 – 01 / 19

Now you are going to concentrate your efforts in your professional area and you will be approached by people who will vibrate in tune with your purposes. Any collaboration you receive will increase your chances of success, so don’t refuse to work as a team.


01 / 20 – 02 / 18

You will feel the necessary motivation to make all your dreams come true . You will not find resistance that prevents you from advancing on your path to happiness. So pay attention because you will receive offers that allow you to grow and expand your horizons.


03 / 19 – 03 / 20

If you have a partner, they will have an atmosphere of love and seduction. You will feel the need to give yourself body and soul to that being. If you are single, then you will look for someone who can correspond to you as a lover and with whom you can live unforgettable moments.

It may interest you: Two asteroids, Pallas and Chiron, begin their retrograde transit: their effects in astrology augur chaos