Friday, September 27

Joe Biden considers creating an emergency “red phone” with China

Joe Biden estudia crear un “teléfono rojo” de emergencia con China
Joe Biden could have direct communication with China through the “red phone”.

Photo: Lintao Zhang / Getty Images


For: EFE

The presiding administration Joe Biden examines the possibility of establishing an emergency hotline with the Chinese government, similar to the so-called “hotline” established in the US. and the Soviet Union during the Cold War, which allowed direct communication with the Kremlin as a way to avoid nuclear war.

Although the idea is still in the pipeline and has not yet been formally proposed to China , Biden wants to develop a rapid communication tool to reduce the risk of conflict between the United States and China, as published by CNN on Thursday .

The chain, which cites as sources people related to the conversations about the device, assures that a direct line with Beijing would allow Biden, or to the senior officials of your national security team, immediately call phone calls or send encrypted messages to President Xi Jinping or his closest associates.

For example, urgent information about sudden military movements or messages could be shared warning messages sent about cyberattacks.

The idea of Establishing a direct line with Beijing dates back at least to the Barack Obama administration, although the concept was not embodied in a security memorandum National ranked until the last year of the Trump administration, according to a source familiar with it, adds the chain.

Administration officials Biden have gone ahead with the idea, sources said, but numerous details remain to be worked out, including the Chinese accepting the device’s installation.

For a long time the US has ten problems getting quick answers from Beijing when it comes to urgent matters, US officials told CNN, so this system would improve communications in this regard.

The chain specifies that a similar direct line already exists between the authorities of China and the Pentagon and, although it should be used exclusively for military affairs, it is rarely used for any topic.

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