Nigerien soldiers (illustration). – ERIC DESSONS / JDD

This is one of the worst massacres of civilians in Niger , a country regularly targeted by groups jihadists . One hundred people were killed there on Saturday, between the two rounds of the presidential election, in the attack on two villages in the west. Prime Minister Brigi Rafini, who visited the site on Sunday, deplored “a disastrous record”, “a horrible situation”, speaking of “39 ”dead in Tchoma Bangou and“ around thirty ”in Zaroumadareye.

An attack not yet claimed

The Prime Minister thus confirmed the results of 81 dead in total previously given by Almou Hassane, the mayor of Tondikiwindi, the commune which administers the two villages. He also reported “20 injured ”.

The double attack, which has not been claimed, was carried out “by terrorists who came on board a hundred motorcycles”. To attack the two villages, 7 kilometers apart, the attackers “split into two columns: while one attacked Zaroumadareye, the other attacked Tchoma Bangou”, explained the mayor. The two villages are located at approximately 81 kilometers north of the capital Niamey, in the border region of Mali and Burkina Faso.

A “cowardly and barbaric attack”

Accompanied by the Ministers of the Interior, Alkache Alhada, of the Issoufou Katambé Defense, and of the governor of Tillabéri Tidjani Ibrahim Katiella, the Prime Minister promised “investigations so that these crimes are not left unpunished”. He also affirmed that “the government will very soon take measures to ensure that the populations of these villages are secured in the best conditions”.

According to television, the authorities have thus promised the installation of “a military company” as part of the anti-jihadist operation Nigerian “Almahaou” (whirlwind in local language) “to secure all the threatened villages” in the area. President Mahamadou Issoufou will lead an exceptional National Security Council on Monday. He also shared in a tweet on Sunday his “most emotional condolences to the populations of Tchombangou and Zaroumdareye, following the cowardly and barbaric attack on their villages”.

I would like in the name of the Nigerien people and in my own name to send our deepest condolences to the people of Tchombangou and Zaroumdareye, following the cowardly and barbaric attack on their village. May the souls of the missing rest in peace and speedy recovery to the wounded.

– Issoufou Mahamadou (@IssoufouMhm) January 3, 2021

According to a senior official from the Tillabéri region, it was committed around noon, at the same time as the announcement of the results of the first round of the presidential election of 27 December, largely leading ( 33, 27%) the candidate of the ruling party Mohamed Bazoum. This former Minister of the Interior has promised to step up the fight against jihadist groups. In a video, Mohamed Bazoum said he had a “pious thought” for the populations affected by this “tragedy. recalls that the groups

terrorists constitute a serious threat to the cohesion within our communities and a danger to no other comparable ”.

Niger organized a series of elections in December, initially municipal and regional on 20 December , then presidential and legislative coupled on 20 December. The second round of the presidential election is due to take place on 13 February.