Friday, September 20

These are the fascinating similarities between whiskey and beer

These two delicious and famous drinks that gladden the soul, have incredible similarities. However, each one retains its fascinating qualities that fill them with personality

Estas son las fascinantes similitudes entre el whisky y la cerveza
Whiskey and beer are based on similar ingredients and manufacturing processes. Find out which are the unique factors that make their main differences.

Photo: Shutterstock

Believe it or not two of the alcoholic beverages most consumed in the world: beer and whiskey , they have more in common than you might imagine. The first and most important thing is that the inputs in the production of both drinks are the same: malt, yeast and Water. There are also two main factors that separate them: the moment of consumption and the distillation process. The truth is that it is two popular drinks that somehow have a close to and exciting relationship , since they share ingredients, production process and passion. Although most fascinating of all, is that despite some wonderful coincidences , each one intactly preserves its personality, differences and virtues Which is your favorite?

Let’s start with beer , is an alcoholic beverage, not distilled, of bitter taste , which is manufactured with sprouted barley grains or other cereals whose starch is fermented in yeast water and is often flavored with hops , among other plants . Your manufacturing process is distinguished by a key step which is the malting : the barley grains are germinated, dried and roasted until reaching the color and scent desired. It should be mentioned that this is the moment in which starches are transformed into sugars and are available to generate alcohol , later the must is prepared by means of the ground and maceration of the ingredients, proceed to the filtering and cooking , and the last step is fermentation . For his part whiskey , is an alcoholic beverage obtained by Distillation of fermented malt from various cereals such as barley, wheat, rye and corn , and is characterized by later aging in wooden barrels , traditionally made of white oak. There are variants that are marketed with an alcohol content of between 40 and 62 % of volume. The term whiskey or whiskey derives from Scottish Gaelic uisge beatha and from Irish Gaelic uisce beathadh , which means “water of life.” In a way up to this point we could say that the whiskey production and beer is similar, however worth it analyze the differences.

To begin with, it is worth mentioning that historically there is not much relationship between both drinks: beer comes from Babylon and Egypt , while whiskey began to be made at beginnings of 700 in Ireland and beer already s e produced much earlier.

In fact various specialists believe that the core of the relationship between both drinks, found in the British Isles where it is tradition to drink both varieties. For some connoisseurs the second greatest similarity , is found in the barrel work ; in such a way that there are whiskeys that are aged in barrels that were used to age beer and vice versa, there are beers especially the craft variants which are aged in bourbon barrels. However there are some data that make us understand much more clearly the differences between each one , discover which are the main ones: