Friday, September 20

She proposes to her boyfriend at the time of receiving the coronavirus vaccine

Immune to coronavirus, but not love.

A paramedic from South Dakota proposed to her boyfriend at the time of receiving the coronavirus vaccine .

A video shows when Robbie Vargas-Cortes, of 31 years, surprises his partner Eric Vanderlee, a volunteer nurse at Sanford Canton-Inwood Medical Center , upon arriving at the vaccination point.

The volunteer finds it strange that when looking at the paramedic’s arm there is a tape at the point where the immunization is applied. It was there when Vargas-Cortes took the ring off the ribbon to propose marriage before the shock of the rest of the medical personnel present .

” I just realized it and thought, ‘absolutely, of course, yes.’ It was an amazing moment after I found out, ”Vanderlee told CNN.

Vargas-Cortes was inoculated minutes later. In this way, he was compromised and vaccinated in a matter of 10 minutes.

Vanderlee is a volunteer in the application of the vaccine since his father died of coronavirus.