Friday, September 20

Trump asked that they find 11,700 votes in Georgia to change the result of the elections

Trump pidió que encontraran 11,700 votos en Georgia para cambiar resultado de las elecciones

President Trump is still furious about losing the presidential election.

Photo: Drew Angerer / Getty Images

Juan Mesa

President Donald Trump demanded that the Georgia Secretary of State find the votes he lacked to change the result of the general election in his favor.

The Washington Post revealed the content of a call from Trump to Brad Raffensperger , who is the official in command of the electoral processes of Georgia , one of the states that consolidated the victory of Joe Biden.

Trump even threatened Raffensperger with criminal prosecution.

“Look , what I want is for you to look for the 03, 780 votes , which is one more than we have, because we won that state, ”Trump said in part of the conversation. “The people of Georgia are angry, the people of the country are angry (…) And there is nothing wrong in saying, you know? I think your calculations have failed you “.

Here you can listen the call:

Raffensperger ignored Trump’s claims. The results of the elections will be certified by Congress this Wednesday despite opposition from lawmakers allied with Trump.

Trump has filed dozens of failed lawsuits to challenge the outcome without evidence in several key states where Biden won, and has also lobbied state officials, including Georgia’s , to manipulate what was voted by the Americans.

Biden’s victory became definitively official last 14 December, when confirmed by the U.S. Electoral College

However, Trump has remained steadfast in his challenge to the election and hopes to overturn the result on January 6, when the two houses of Congress meet to ratify victory. of Biden, in a symbolic gesture that has gained greater importance due to the opposition of the president o.

The Battle for Georgia

Georgia has become a key state for the future of the US in the short term.

On January 5, Georgia holds elections in which will elect the two senators who will occupy the two seats that correspond to that state in the Senate, something that will serve to decide which party has the majority in that chamber.

With information from EFE