Tuesday, October 8

Infrastructure Plan: Democrats and Republicans again clash over funding

Plan de Infraestructura: demócratas y republicanos de nuevo chocan por el financiamiento
Joe Manchin has been one of the congressmen who has promoted the bipartisan proposal of the Infrastructure Plan.

Photo: Samuel Corum / Getty Images

The Infrastructure Plan proposed by President Joe Biden is perhaps one of the issues that has caused the most problems in reaching legislative agreements between Democrats and Republicans. For weeks and months the discussion became tense and caused all kinds of accusations by those involved.

A week ago, the first US president expressed his approval for having reached a bipartisan agreement so that his infrastructure proposal is approved in the next days by Congress. Despite the announcement and virtual approval, the issue may stagnate .

The bipartisan agreement faces, again, skepticism on the part of the main Democratic representatives of the Senate, who are concerned about the way in which the package of $ 973 billion dollars. This situation may strain everything that was achieved last week .

The bipartisan spending proposal for funding the plan focuses on the reuse of unspent funds for unemployment benefits and state assistance , this has created an annoyance for a group of Democrats, who demand that corporate tax rates should pay for the plan.

According to The Hill, Democrat Ron Wyden has launched an infrastructure funding proposal that has little to do with the bipartisan proposal. Wyden intends to raise $ 1 trillion from corporations, as well as more than $ 300 billion from taxing profits capital of unrealized.

In this sense, the Democratic congressman has said that corporations, whose tax rates were reduced by 2017 under the Donald Trump administration, it will benefit substantially from investment in new infrastructure and therefore You will have to bear a large part of the cost .

In contrast , the bipartisan proposal seeks to raise tax revenue through a variety of other ways that protect corporations from tax increases, a situation for which there are disputes and frictions between the congressmen involved .

The Democratic wing that opposes the bipartisan proposal, is against the use of unemployment insurance funds not used and reused $ 125 $ 1 billion in Covid relief funds – 19 previously unexploited designated for state and local governments.

According to The Hill, Democrats on the Senate Finance Committee, who were not involved in negotiating the bipartisan package, are raising their voices to recover unemployment insurance resources after the U.S. jobs report Department of Labor will show the unemployment rate rose 5.9% in June.

You may also be interested in: Infrastructure Plan: White House assures that bipartisan proposal will generate jobs and will not put the country into debt