Friday, September 20

Lose weight without starving? It is possible with the satiating diet

It is time to forget the old belief that relates “being on a diet” with eating little and having a terrible time. Today the nutrition trend and health invites us to eat abundantly whole foods , which are not only nutritious and slimming , they shine for their satiating potential.

Every day with more force we verify that losing weight is a quite complex issue , which involves the good balance in various aspects of our daily life . Without a doubt the most important factor to lose weight in the long term, lies in the quality of the diet. The good news is that Today we have access to delicious options that, beyond being part of ingredients that make up a specific dietary guideline , are powerful foods that with the simple fact of consuming them daily we will be transforming our state of health and body weight.

The appetite is one of the most important signals that the body sends us, without its existence we would not know when to feed ourselves and we we would run out of energy. However, we do not always know read and correctly satisfy these messages sent by the body, especially considering Note that we live in an environment in which there are abundant processed foods , not very nutritious and highly caloric. In a certain way the natural appeal of the appetite to replenish our energy , can play against us, get confused with cravings and become a traitorous partner that eventually results in weight gain and size. The satiating diet , is rather a lifestyle that invites us to choose foods Dense in nutrients that provide a prolonged sensation of full stomach for longer and therefore will be the best complement to avoid overeating. Considering that the anxiety to eat constantly is one of the main enemies of weight loss, it is worth to pay attention.

In such a way that making a adequate food selection will cause fewer hunger peaks “between-meals” and in a way that is the success of this trend. It is also important to mention that these food groups , shine for being rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber , provide everything the body needs to be strong against the attack of pathogens that cause diseases and infections. They are also the best ally of digestion and good intestinal health , they promote the elimination of toxins and waste, they are moisturizers and improve our physical and mental performance.

What are the foods that the satiating diet promotes?

One of the great benefits of the satiating diet is that it is associated with the consumption of highly nutritious foods and varied , which together open the door to infinite possibilities , in such a way that the diet does not become monotonous and boring. Here are the food groups that cannot be missing in a satiating diet , which invites us to follow our intuition and eat more nutritious. The best way to lose weight in the long term:

1. Proteins

Among the most recommended food groups are proteins , are considered the nutrient that helps the most to increase the feeling of satiety and avoid hunger. Therefore, they play too fundamental a role in weight loss , ensuring adequate consumption in the daily diet is associated with benefits to accelerate metabolism and have a special action on weight regulating hormones. The body weight is actively regulated by the brain , particularly an area called the hypothalamus. In order for the brain to determine when and how much to eat , it processes several different types of information. Some of the most important signals for the brain are the hormones that change in response to feeding , it has been proven that a higher protein intake actually increases levels of satiety hormones (appetite-reducing) GLP-1, peptide YY and cholecystokinin , while reduces the levels of the hormone from hunger ghrelin . By replacing carbohydrates and fats With proteins , it reduces the hunger hormone and increases several hormones of satiety. This leads to a significant reduction in hunger and is the main reason why protein helps you lose weight. Bet on the consumption of proteins of high biological value and creates a good balance between animal and vegetable sources . Some of the best recommendations are: egg, red meat, fatty fish, nuts, seeds, aged cheeses, yogurt, legumes, soy and milk.

Proteins. / Photo: Shutterstock

2. Fiber

It is well known that foods rich in fiber , are a basic of good health , digestion and in weight loss. At the same time according to a study published in European Journal of Clinical Nutrition , the fiber It is a source of nutrients of immense satiating power and the reason is simple: fiber captures nutrients from food and keeps them longer in the intestine before digesting them. In addition, the fiber absorbs water and increases its size , as a consequence, the feeling of satisfaction is maintained for a longer time. Also fiber is key to eliminate everything that the body does not need, fats, salts, toxins, fluids and waste , which are housed for months therefore it is incredibly cleansing. Additionally, foods rich in fiber are specifically characterized by being variants with a high volume and low calorie intake , the clear example of course are green leafy vegetables and fruits , some of the basics: lettuce, chard, raw carrots and spinach, asparagus, beets, mushrooms, turnips and squash, potatoes and sweet potatoes baked in the shell, broccoli, artichokes, squash and green beans (green beans). Fiber is also found in a wide range of whole grains , peas, beans , legumes, nuts and seeds, such as flaxseed and chia . Nutritionists recommend the consumption of fruits and peeled vegetables , and especially in whole pieces to obtain their total contribution in fiber.

Suplementos de fibra.
Fiber. / Photo: Shutterstock

3. Healthy fats

In the last months everyone has talked about the benefits of integrating healthy fats as an important part of the daily diet and focused on weight loss , it is not for nothing that they are the key nutrient in the ketogenic diet. It is recommended that the consumption between the 30 – 80% of daily calories , come from these sources of healthy fats and in fact when we do not ensure said intake, the body presents problems with the absorption of vitamins such as A, D, E and K. On the other hand, fats are of what more satiating and actively contribute to energy production , which is why they are actively related to weight loss . The most important thing is to select the best sources , to consume them in the appropriate quantities and to select the best sources, that is to say, natural and quality foods. Choose to integrate foods such as: avocados, almonds, walnuts, peanuts, sesame seeds, peanuts, olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, dark chocolate, salmon and tuna.

Avocado. / Photo: Pixabay

4. Natural hydration

The hydrating foods are equally important in all healthy eating and of course are directly associated with a great satiating potential. It is well known that water is essential for the body to fulfill numerous functions , it is key to transport nutrients to cells , it is a lubricant for the digestive system and for tissues protected by mucous membranes , it regulates body temperature and cushions the joints . Also water, is essential in weight loss and is associated with optimal purification of the body . The best of all is that foods that shine for their high water content , are characterized by their very low calorie content and a high content of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Some of the options that cannot be missing in your daily diet are: melon, lettuce, cucumber, milk, tomato, celery, watermelon, pineapple, strawberries, green tea and infusions, citrus fruits , watercress, fennel, spinach, cauliflower, mushrooms and mushrooms.

Infusion of ginger. / Photo: Shutterstock