Friday, September 20

Eduardo Verástegui described Alberto Fernández as a “murderer” for decriminalizing abortion in Argentina

After the approval of the legalization of abortion in Argentina, Eduardo Verástegui went against the President Alberto Fernández through a statement sent by his office.

“The President of #Argentina @alferdez is a killer of babies. How many coins did they pay you to fulfill your commitment to the death campaign? ”, began his message.

The President of # Argentina @alferdez proposed genocide and pushed for it to be approved! And whoever directs a genocide is a genocide. I ask God for you, Alberto; It is never too late to repent and rectify. God is merciful but He is also just. (I open the thread)

– Eduardo Verástegui (@EVerastegui) January 3, 2021

“Look what happened to Judas’s traitor for selling Jesus for some coins. You are a baby killer; wear one of your size, Alberto. ”

Last Wednesday, the Senate of Argentina approved the law that legalizes abortion for up to a week 14 of gestation. After that period, it will be legal only in cases of pregnancy due to rape or risk of life for the pregnant woman, reported the authorities of the South American country.

“Los Argentine legislators who voted on this law turned a mother’s womb, which should be the safest place in the world, into the most insecure place ”, Verástegui pointed out.

The actor and producer also expressed his opinion on the new law and his judgment on the President on social networks.

“The President of #Argentina @alferdez proposed a genocide and pushed for it to be passed! And whoever directs a genocide is a genocide. I ask God for you, Alberto; It is never too late to repent and rectify. God is merciful but he is also just and no one escapes from his Justice.

“I repeat, if you want to fight someone, get one of your size, don’t be like the coward of Herod who ordered the killing of innocent children. Your hands, like his, will be covered in innocent blood. What good is it for a man to conquer the whole world if he loses himself? ”, He posted on Twitter.

The Argentine model Nicole Neumann was another celebrity who expressed her rejection to the new measure.

On the other hand, figures such as Julieta Venegas and Irene Azuela expressed in social networks their support for the legalization of abortion, by publishing messages with hashtags like #QueSeaLey and #EsLey.

“Thank you sisters. Thanks to feminism. Thank you for the fight, “Argentine singer and actress Lali Esposito wrote on Twitter.

Keep reading: Alberto Fernández, the president of Argentina, dismissed Maradona’s body and brought him an offering