Monday, October 14

From migrant child to roaster master and coffee importer around the world

If Rafael Aguiar Bátiz had not emigrated from Sinaloa to the United States at 15 years, he thinks he would have fallen into drug trafficking. But emigrating made all the difference in his life and today he is a proud master roaster and coffee buyer around the world.

If I hadn’t come to this country, I would have ended up in drug trafficking because the families of my schoolmates were actually into it. Everything indicated that I was going there, and I did not want to end that way. So m and I came to Pasadena where I had a brother. A week after arriving, I already had two jobs ”.

Like all immigrants, I came determined to work to help his family in Mexico.

“I wanted to make a little money and return, but time passes and you become more related and it becomes impossible for you to return.”

Very soon he began to look for a job in a restaurant to take advantage of his culinary knowledge that he had learned from his mother, who – he says – had very good seasoning.

“I found a job at the LA Times executive restaurant and worked there for 7 years. I became a chef’s assistant, but as the work, although exciting, was very stressful, I began to look for where to offer my services in quality control in food and beverages. ”

Rafael Aguiar Bátiz, an immigrant from Mazatlán, Mexico, grateful for the opportunities that the United States has given him (Araceli Martínez / Real America News)

This is how he came to Jones Coffee in Pasadena to take over quality control. “As soon as I entered, I was very passionate about coffee.”

Explains that the quality control work involves taking care of buying precisely a coffee from good quality. “Those in charge of quality control go to producing countries in search of a unique coffee that is less commercial and has a little more attributes.”

But a fundamental part of your job is to identify defects. “This is very important in the coffee industry because many times, when some companies go to import to save money, they transport it with other products such as fish and even gasoline. And coffee absorbs what surrounds it and all those smells and flavors reach the cup. ”

When you are a coffee taster, you taste it and feel the flaws. “Sometimes what many do to kill the odors and you know, is to roast the coffee very dark.”

What has been the key to stand out in coffee?

“Family values. Trying not to disappoint your parents and loving your mother lead you on a good path. I left Sinaloa because I didn’t want to cause them any pain by getting into the drug trade. Unfortunately my mom died of Covid in May 2020 at 59 years. I lost my dad 10 years ago to cancer. He was a hard-working man who always cared about being a good provider for his family before thinking about him ”.

And it says that the key for that for any immigrant to do well, it means not being afraid to risk looking for other paths and alternatives. “I was very comfortable working in the restaurant even though I was very busy, but I didn’t see myself doing that all my life.”

Rafael Aguiar Bátiz shows the coffee roasting machine. (Araceli Martínez / Real America News)

In Today, he is a master roaster and coffee buyer. “I’ve been 22 years with this company. I think I earned this position with years of hard work and passion and commitment, but also day by day I add the extra. ”

He is one of the people that if the company he works for tells him they need a clown, he starts looking for how to prepare to be the best. “No matter what job you do, if you are given the opportunity to advance, you don’t have to be afraid.”

This is what happened when years ago they told him they needed a barista. “I started to prepare to the point that I participated in a national barista competition of the World Coffee Association. I did not mind that they could make fun of my accent because at that time I did not speak English well, but with all the conviction and without fear, I started to compete. ”

And his dream of being the importer in charge of buying green coffee came true. “I have always had the concern to help people who are left behind. That’s why I sent money to my parents. Somehow we have to try not to forget where we come from and help those who stay in our countries. ”

As a buyer of green coffee He has traveled to Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia and hopes to go to Brazil and in the near future to Africa.

“When you go to plantations, you look at how healthy the plant is, I treat employees and cutters because coffee absorbs everything that surrounds it. If there is oppression and unfair treatment reaches the cup. ”

Explain that he chooses the farms where to buy the coffee based on the respect he has for the ecosystem and for its social commitment. “We choose people who are committed to the quality of coffee in terms of the environment and their workers. Coffee that is not of quality is from people who do not have that awareness of not abusing the environment and employees. ”

Rafael Aguiar Bátiz shows the green coffee beans before roasting. (Araceli Martínez / Real America News)

Aguíar Bátiz says that being a master roaster and green coffee buyer is his dream job.

“I have the possibility to create. I decide the mixes. I design the menu ”.

But it also gives training to baristas. “I have a certification equivalent to a coffee sommelier that endorses me worldwide. I am the hallmark of the company in terms of taste and quality ”.

One of his wishes is to visit many more countries to find the unique coffees that are produced in the world.

I am very grateful to the life because being a child who could fall into the clutches of drug trafficking, I managed to reverse that fate and thanks to coffee, I have been able to work in many countries ”.

And through his travels, he has realized the quality of Hispanics. “We are good, hard-working, grateful people and we put the family first. When I travel the world to buy coffee, I represent Mexico in the best way because I want to leave a good image of the Mexican people. In the end, we are all Latin American brothers and we must help each other. ”

Rafael Aguiar Bátiz says that the world of coffee is full of opportunities. (Araceli Martínez / Real America News)

¿ How to make a good coffee at home?

“To enjoy good things, you have to make an effort. If you make a soluble coffee, like everything processed, sooner or later it will take its toll. For good coffee, be sure to buy it from a company that roasts it locally. And try to buy it as fresh as possible and in small quantity. Coffee is like fresh bread that you have to treat with great care. You are not going to put it in the refrigerator because it changes its structure in terms of flavor. ”

To lengthen the flavor, recommend if you buy a large quantity , divide it into small portions and put it in the freezer. “Or if not, keep it in a sealed bag at room temperature that does not get oxygen. Buy whole grains and if you can buy a mill to grind them. ”

Aguíar Báriz invited young people to become interested in the coffee industry since says there are too many opportunities. “When you enter the coffee industry, there is nothing stopping you, only yourself. You can travel the world looking for coffee, train baristas in the US, work in graphic design in the coffee industry, there are art directors for coffee shops and there is work for anyone who wants to. ”

He is happy to work in the coffee business . “It has given me a lot of satisfaction. It is very well paid. I am very grateful to life. Coffee is very grateful to those who work it from the producer to the barista. ”