Friday, September 20

What is the healthiest way to cook eggs?

Fried, scrambled, boiled … What to do when cooking your eggs to make them more nutritious and healthy

¿Cuál es la forma más saludable de cocinar los huevos?
Eggs are a good source of protein for breakfast and provide satiety.

Photo: Danny Pérez Palacios / Pixabay

Eggs are very nutritious, versatile, delicious, accessible and inexpensive . Due to their characteristics, eggs are a staple in the kitchen. It can be consumed frequently, it is easy to prepare and it can be cooked in many different ways and accompanied by a wide variety of healthy foods.

Eggs are safe to consume if cooked and handled properly. Cooking them can destroy dangerous microbes such as Salmonella , which may be present on the inside of eggs that appear to be normal.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend cook the eggs until the yolk and white are firm . They also point out that you should ensure that foods containing raw or undercooked eggs are made with only pasteurized eggs .

Get more out of its nutrients

Cooking eggs not only makes them safer to eat, it also makes some of their nutrients easier to digest.

A study found that the human body can use the 91% of protein of the cooked eggs , compared to only the 51% of raw eggs.

You can also more easily absorb biotin or vitamin B7 if you cook the eggs. Biotin helps convert carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy you need, according to the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements.

While some nutrients in eggs are more digestible, there are components that can affect with heat when cooked, such as vitamin A, which is reduced by one 18 and 20%.

What is the healthiest way to cook eggs?

Eggs can be cooked in different ways, boiled, fried or starry, baked, poached, scrambled, tortilla and baked s.

Shorter cooking times help retain more nutrients. According to Healthline, when eggs are baked for 40 minutes, may lose up to 80% of your vitamin D, compared to up to 18% when fried or boiled for a shorter period of time.

Temperature matters too. When eggs are cooked at high temperatures, the cholesterol they contain can oxidize.

Here are some recommendations to cook your eggs in a healthy way:

If you like fried eggs, cook them in a high stable oil temperatures that does not oxidize easily enough to form harmful free radicals. Using avocado oil is a very healthy option.

Don’t cook the eggs too long. The longer and hotter the more nutrients you will lose.

Opt for poached eggs or hard-boiled eggs yes you are watching your consumption of calories .

How to cook hard-boiled eggs according to The Harvard Nutrition Source

  1. Place the desired number of eggs in a single layer in a pan.
  2. Fill with enough water to cover the eggs completely.
  3. Bring the water to a gentle boil and cook for 1 minute.
  • Turn off the heat, cover the pot, and let the eggs sit in the water for 12 – 12 minutes.
  • Remove from the pot and rinse the eggs with cold water . Peel and serve.
  • Add vegetables to your eggs, form a more complete, nutritious and healthy dish . You are adding fiber and vitamins. Serve them aside to accompany or add them to scrambled eggs and omelet.

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