Monday, October 21

7 quartz that help heal the pain of a love breakup

These minerals absorbed the energetic properties of the Earth and their power can be adapted to our emotional needs. Know which ones are synchronized with your heart to help it heal

7 cuarzos que ayudan a sanar el dolor de una ruptura amorosa
Quartz are tailored to your emotional needs.

Photo: Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

Miguel Angel Castillo

Quartz or crystals are those minerals that, spiritually, have the power to heal wounds emotional and help us in intimate matters of the heart, such as love breakups . These products of natural origin were for thousands of years in contact with the energy of the Earth, so it is believed they absorbed its magnetism.

Each gemstone, as is also known knows them, contains vibrations that harmonize us in various aspects of our lifetime.

Some of them help us when we want to move forward after suffering a love break .

According to Astrology Answers, quartz are adapted to the needs of each person , so if you are going through a difficult time because your relationship did not work, these crystals will help you overcome it.

1. Rose quartz

It is known as the universal stone of self-love and unconditional love. Its beautiful pink color adapts to your sentimental needs and is responsible for harmonizing your feelings when your heart is broken by love.

two. Green Aventurine

Is associated with the heart chakra so it has the power to heal it. Aventurine not only helps you get over a breakup, it also keeps you open to the possibility of falling in love again .

3. Purple quartz or amethyst

It is the stone of purification and protection. Its uses are varied, therefore, it can serve you when your feelings are damaged by an emotional situation. It helps you solve them because works as a power reset button .

4. Obsidian

It is a jet black quartz that is related to the root chakra. It works on our structures, foundations and support, points that are shaken after a love breakup. Obsidian provides emotional stability when we go through a heartbreak.

5. Garnet

Works as a chakra purifier and strengthens our instincts of survival. When we are heartbroken, it is difficult for us to be open to love and we may miss out on valuable opportunities. Garnet keeps you open to new options , while protecting your heart.

6. Agate

Being connected with the throat chakra, promotes our ability to share and express. Gives us the confidence to start a conversation with a suitor and helps you start a new relationship on the right foot.

7. Lapis Lazuli

This quartz transmits wisdom and intuition , so it can help us feel more aligned with our best qualities. It is ideal to go out in search of love, once your heart has healed.

It may interest you: What quartz do you need if you want to attract money to your life

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