Friday, September 20

AMLO says that he will analyze the “effects” of the recreational use of marijuana approved by the Supreme Court of Mexico

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador assures that if the approval of the recreational use of marijuana harms the population, it will present a law to reverse what was approved by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation.

AMLO dice que analizará los “efectos” del uso lúdico de la marihuana aprobado por la Suprema Corte de México
AMLO will review “effects” of the approval of the recreational use of marijuana in Mexico.

Photo: Héctor Vivas / AFP / Getty Images

César Reyes

From the National Palace, the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, assured that respects the decision of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) to endorse the recreational use of marijuana in Mexico , however, he said, he will analyze its “effects.”

“We are going to respect what (the SCJN) has decided and we are going to evaluate, see what effects it has, if we see that it does not help, that it is not good for the country, that it is not good for facing the serious problem of drug addiction, that it is not good for stopping violence, then we would act, “he said in his morning press conference.

The Mexican president specified that in case that the recreational use of marijuana harms the population, it will act according to its faculties to reverse as approved by means of a bill.

“If we see that it hurts, we would propose a change and I would seek, according to my powers, a bill,” he said from Mexico City.

“Because there are many who are thinking about the business and even who say that with this they will obtain taxes and that the public finances will be strengthened, this even annoys me because the health of the people cannot be trafficked ”, He affirmed.

This Monday 28 of June, the Supreme Court of Mexico approved a historic ruling that lifts the prohibition of recreational marijuana consumption although it does not endorse its commercialization.

“And now we are going to comply with what the Court decided because it is our obligation and we are going to have the Cofepris (health regulatory body) prepare and be able to comply with what is legally ordered and at the same time we will be attentive and very outstanding, “said Andrés Manuel López Obrad or.

The Tabasco president stated that upon his arrival to power on December 1, 2018, this process on the marijuana plant was already underway and, although it was decided carry out a review in the security cabinet, it was not possible to reach a consensus.

“In the Government there are different opinions and it was decided not to intervene and wait for the SCJN to resolve because it was up to the Judiciary to resolve, “he said.

He noted that this diversity of opinions that occurred in the Government, it also occurs in the population of the country, and for that reason it will have to “collect” the feelings of the people “and see how this measure unfolds.”

Continue Reading: Supreme Court of Justice of Mexico endorses the recreational use of marijuana throughout the country

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